
Spooky Customer Service

If there is one thing the Casper, the Friendly Ghost cartoons taught me is that ghosts can have spooky customer service.

Spooky customer service cartoon. A girl says to a ghost, "This is really a bad time for a scare. Can you come back later?"

Judging by the expression of this spirit, I’m guessing he will honor the girl’s wishes. What a nice ghost! I’m sure he will come back later when it’s more convenient.


Is Any Time a Good Time For a Good Scare?

I’ve never been much of a horror movie fan. The term good scare sounds like an oxymoron to me. With all the news about pandemics and quarantines these days, I’m in even less of a mood for a good scare.

I’ve had to take some breaks from the news lately. Yet, I’ve also wanted to stay informed. It is possible to do both. Much of the news can be condensed to one half-hour segment. We don’t need to be immersed in all of the updates 24/7.

No time is a good time for a good scare. This isn’t a convenient time. But since we are in a crisis, there are some things you and I can do to balance the bad news.

  • Go on a media fast for the morning. Don’t start your day with the news, until you’ve had a chance to get your bearings for the morning.
  • Read some inspirational material before you begin your day. a paper version would be better since you won’t be distracted by news alerts.
  • Spend some time in prayer or meditation.
  • Text or call a friend and let them know how much you appreciate them.
  • Write a gratitude list.
  • If you’re working from home, get showered and dressed as if you were leaving for work.

There are many things we can’t control. But we can control how we start our day and what goes into our minds. Nix the scary stuff first thing in the morning.

Cartoon of a girl and a ghost

holiday motivation

Fear and Pumpkin Spice

The goblins will be out in a few weeks. They will scurry down well-lit streets for their treats. Adults who don’t want to shell out their life savings for treats will hunker down in coffee shops for some pumpkin spice concoctions. the irony is that those hand-crafted drinks may cost as much as a couple of bags of “fun-sized” treats.

Halloween will be one of those few times people will meet their neighbors. Another irony is that most of those neighbors will wear masks and costumes. Perhaps that is why some may be inclined to vacate their premises and go elsewhere while the little ghosts, goblins and super heroes roam the neighborhoods. It’s an ironic time of year!

We fear what we don’t know. Some of us will respond by stocking their cupboard with treats in order to minimize the tricks. Others will simply abandon their abode for one night. Is one better than the other? I can’t answer that. Personally, I’d prefer to give out the pumpkin-spice lattés. But I’m guessing they would lead to more tricks than treats.

In any case, face your fears and make sure your little goblins will be safe.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon Christmas gag cartoon holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Vexed Christmas Spirit

Cartoon of Scrooge and the ghost of Jacob Marley. Marley says, “You will be visited by three spirits: The Ghost of Christmas Past, Ghost of Christmas present, and Ghost of Christmas Mall Music.”

Christmas mall music has been vexing me lately. It’s a lot of cheer without the babe in the manger. Christmas music without Christ is vain, fluffy and nonsensical… much like the rest of the mall.