One day, I thought about the Sunday school song, Zacchaeus Was a Wee Little Man. It got me thinking, what if Zacchaeus was a wee little cat? Well, you get this cartoon, of course!
Tag: Gospel of Luke
The best way to cheer yourself up…

“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try and cheer somebody else up.”
Mark Twain
We can get so inward-focused, can’t we? If we’re not feeling right, if we get caught up in the world’s drama, we can get find ourselves in a downward spiral of doom and gloom. How do we get out of a deep funk? Cheer someone else up!

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11

There was no big, Griswold Family Christmas tree. There were no ugly Christmas sweaters. There was not fruitcake, mistletoe or tinsel. Until the angels made the announcement, no one knew or cared except for the cold, exhausted couple that had nowhere to place the baby except in an animal trough.
As you celebrate today, I hope you are able to take some time, reflect and be thankful for what you have. May you find an opportunity to share kind words, good food, and some joy. Merry Christmas!
In Luke 2:10, the angel tells the shepherds he has good news that will bring joy. Joy is a concept we confuse with happiness. We can have joy even when we are not happy. Joy is connected with hope. We can be joyful in dire circumstances but have joy because we know this is not the end. Joy is anticipation that there is a good ending and the source is very good.