gag cartoon single panel cartoon writing

My Kid Said Blog

I came across the “My Kid Said” blog the other day. This is a fun blog for anyone who knows kids say the darndest things. Beside, you’ll see one of my older cartoons on this site.

It’s at
Adobe Illustrator cartoon illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday: Time

Illustration Friday: Time, originally uploaded by speartoons.

This poor worm is thinking his time is up!

I drew this illustration in Adobe Illustrator. The wig for the bird cost extra, but was worth it.

Adobe Illustrator illustration Illustration Friday

Illustration Friday-Punchline

IF: Punchline

When I thought of the word, “punchline,” I thought of the times when I was sure a joke was funny, but discovered nobody else thought it was. When joke doesn’t work, it just makes you want to throw out the joke book… or worse!