Christmas holiday writing

Writing a Christmas Letter

A recent podcast made me consider the advantages of writing a Christmas letter instead of sending friends and family images from the year.

“You just can’t do [it] with a collection of selfies or any other kind of scenic images.

It requires a story. And the act of having to commit yourself to tell a story is an invitation to tell the full dimensions of that, or the fuller dimension.”

From Good Faith: Advent with Friends: Rethinking Heavenly Peace (with Andy Crouch), Dec 7, 2024

Curtis Chang explained photos, while they are good, can’t tell a complete story. We either choose the best images, because we desire to put out best foot forward, or we attempt to show an image that can exploit a situation.

Regarding Santa, a mood board with all a child’s requests is not quite the same as a handwritten letter. If you have a lot of hopes and fears to convey, a handwritten letter may be the way to go. It may be the only way for clearer Christmas requests.

Cartoon of a boy and a letter carrier at the post office. The boy says, "It's a letter to Santa. My hopes and fears of all the years are mailed with thee tonight."

It may be too late for me this year, but I may reconsider writing a Christmas letter next year. Check back with me then and see if I follow through.

communication writing

Is it too cold?

We’ve been in Indiana and Ohio for Thanksgiving the last few days. Coming from Florida, it was a shock to the system when the wind chill recently dropped below 9° Fahrenheit. But is it too cold?

If you go by the headlines, the answer is yes. Of course, they have to add some drama to their spiel.

Snow and Arctic cold will blast the Midwest and Northeast

Is it too cold? man in rainy weather spots a melting snowman.

The guy in my illustration may think the icy rain makes it too cold. But if the snowman could speak, he may disagree. A nine-degree windchill may seem too frigid to a midwesterner, but it may sound like a heat wave in Barrow, Alaska.

Generalities can cloud your communications. Be specific when you describe a situation. Otherwise, your intended receiver may think you are too vague.

Now, excuse me while I find a nice, roaring fire.

Blog Articles CHOG News Newsletters writing

Hope in Surprising Places Article

Last month, I got to interview a pastor about a new ministry his church launched. I enjoyed writing it because it challenged some preconceived notions about how a ministry should serve its community. Here is a link to the Hope in Surprising Places Article.

I love the chance to write an article where faith and hope are present. As I’ve written before, I used to mix up the two terms. But it’s evident in the article that this church is bringing hope to its community through the active use of faith.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons family gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic writing

Selling the Movie Rights

Has a loved one ever told such a good story that you suggested selling the movie rights? I’ve heard some wonderful stories about my family. That inspired me to draw and write this cartoon.

Selling the movie rights cartoon of a boy and grandfather

One of my fondest memories of my father-in-law was when we would drive all night to Florida. He would tell me stories about his childhood, his ancestors, and the lessons he learned through life’s struggles to keep us awake.

CHOG News Newsletters writing

IYC 2022 Speaker: Chip Taylor

Last month, I had the pleasure of interviewing the featured speaker for the Church of God International Youth Convention (IYC 2022). Chip Taylor is a fabulous youth leader with a heart of gold. Here is a link to the article

Chip serves at a church where my wife was the children’s pastor for a time. Although they haven’t worked together at the same time, my wife is a leader with Intern Academy and they’ve worked together in that organization.

Former IYC Student, Longtime Leader to Return as Featured Speaker

One of his quotes shows his approach to youth ministry.

You have to be relational with today’s youth. You have to go to their turf. Positions don’t work anymore. You have to identify each kid as they are and acknowledge them. Relationships take precedence over roles.

Chip Taylor

Chip will be a great speaker for IYC 2022. If you have a teen that is considering going, I would highly recommend it.