family Illustration Friday sketch journal

Sketch: A Family Reunion

Chamberlain Family Reunion, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Sketch of a photo from the Anderson (Indiana) Herald-Bulletin. The article was about the Chamberlain Family Reunion on Christmas Day. The article is at

The photo had the patriarch of the family holding twins that were his great-great niece and great-great nephew. It was a great choice for Illustration Friday’s theme. This week’s word was “pioneer.” The gentleman had traveled to Anderson, Indiana from the south when he was young to look for work. He found it in the factories and soon his family followed.

The Anderson Herald-Bulletins owns the copyright to the photo I based this sketch on.

children cartoons computers Illustration Friday technology cartoons webcomic

Cartoon: Musical Tech

Spear-Cartoon_3560, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of boy and dad at computer. Boy says, “You’re listening to classical music on the Internet? Doesn’t that violate some techie code of conduct?”

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2. It also is for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “music.”

Adobe Illustrator Illustration Friday School Cartoons webcomic

Illustration Friday: Blur

Cartoon of boy and mom. Son says, “I don’t know what the principal told you. For me, the food fight was a blur.”
I have to admit, I wasn’t usually the boy starting a food fight in the cafeteria. I was the kid observing the whole melee, hiding and admiring the troublemaker for his chutzpah. It’s much safer that way, and the teachers like you better.
I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “blur.”
I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2
children cartoons Illustration Friday webcomic

Webcomic: Skinny Halloween

Spear-Cartoon_3551, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of girl and dad. Girl says,”I don’t know. I was hoping for a Halloween costume that makes me look skinny.”

I’ve noticed Halloween costumes have gone from the old, traditional creepy crawlies to the more… oh… bewitching. Come one, people! kids have enough pressure on body image. Give them a break!

I drew this web comic for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “skinny.”

I also drew this cartoon in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Illustration Friday webcomic

Webcomic: Fast Trick or Treating

Cartoon of trick or treaters. There is a clown, firefighter and a princess. The firefighter says to the running princess, “Are you saying we should skip this next house?”

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “Fast.” I’m guessing the girl is clocking in at sixty five miles per hour and qualifies as fast.

I drew this comic in Adobe Illustrator CS2