illustration Picture Book

Where’s My Bear? I found it!

Melody is rejoicing because she found her bear. Is that love or what?

This is the last page in a book I am writing and illustrating. Melody has to find her bear by bedtime, or it won’t be a good night! How does she find her teddy bear? You’ll just have to tune in to find out!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons Christmas gag cartoon holiday Illustration Friday love single panel cartoon webcomic

Ho Ho the Mistletoe

Cartoon of a boy and girl under mistletoe. The boy says, “Eew! Get away from me! There is no way I’m getting mistletoed!”

This is a cartoon I did twelve years ago. At the time, my son was six years-old. The thought of mistletoe made his skin crawl. He would have nothing to do with it. Now that he’s eighteen, I need to ask him if his opinion has changed.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon love School Cartoons single panel cartoon Teen Cartoons webcomic

Lack of Chemistry

Cartoon of two girls in a chemistry classCartoon of two girls in a science laboratory. One girl says, “We’ve been in Science class for weeks. When are we going to make Love Potion Number Nine?”

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon love relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Young at Love

Cartoon of a boy and a girlCartoon of boy and a girl. The boy says, “It’s not that I don’t love you. It’s just that a ten year-old needs his freedom.”

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons couples gag cartoon love relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Compounded Love Interest

Cartoon of a couple in loveCartoon of a couple in love. The husband says, “€œI’m pretty content with what we have even when indexed with the rate of inflation!”