
If Life is a Marathon, Why do we Coast?

One of the many lessons I learned from running a marathon is that training matters. If you want to finish the race, blowing off long runs and failing to put the mileage in will cost you pain and the likelihood you won’t finish what you came to do.

If life is a marathon, then why do we coast? Why do we get comfortable and lazy? Keep pushing yourself! Do the work to stay competitive in the race of life.

  • Learn something new every day
  • Keep your eyes open to new opportunities
  • Take some risks that might not work but could pay off generously
    • Do something that requires faith
  • Keep your head in the game
    • Be positive
    • Be encouraging
    • Ask what if to possibilities, not what if to past regrets and mistakes
    • Look at every challenge as an opportunity
    • Embrace change

No one has ever fully arrived until they take their last breath. And if you are a person of faith, like me, the race is only beginning at that point as well.


Another Reason Why my Wife Inspires and Motivates me

Yesterday, my wife wrote a post about her journey over the last year.

A Step of Faith by Paula Kay Spear

Over the last several years, I have seen her grow spiritually in major ways. She has chosen to leave what is comfortable, successful and a wonderful environment to pursue what she feels God is calling her to do next.

Whether you are a religious person or not, any potential move from the ordinary requires faith. That is especially true when you aren’t necessarily miserable or otherwise forced to make a change.

I am proud of her beccause she has inspired me and others to listen and move. I know she has done great things where she’s been and will continue to do so because of her faith to step out of the boat.

In case you didn’t know, my wife is my hero and she continues to inspire and motivate me.


The Goblin’s Gonna Getcha if you Don’t Watch Out!

Around this time of year, I remember my mom quoting from a poem. James Whitcomb Riley was a Hoosier poet. My classmates and siblings learned all about him in Indiana history class. Little Orphant Annie was one of his more famous poems.

You better mind yer parents, an’ yer teachers fond an’ dear,
An’ churish them ‘at loves you, an’ dry the orphant’s tear,
An’ he’p the pore an’ needy ones ‘at clusters all about,
Er the Gobble-uns’ll git you
             Ef you

Little Orphant Annie” — James Whitcomb Riley

When you read it through modern eyes, it’s a very colloquial and little quaint. Yet it is also a little disturbing to think of the underlying threat if you’re naughty. You better mind your P’s and Q’s! Or the monsters are just waiting to grab you! Yikes!

Fear motivation never works out in the long term. But as a parent, I can think of times when it was tempting to say something similar. After all, isn’t the threat that Santa won’t bring toys if you are naughty a similar ultimatum?

Even so, I’ve come to realize fear motivation may work in the short term, but it is a lousy long term strategy. Someone disciplined with threats will either grow up to be fearful or defiant. Either the child will grow up to fear authority or shake his fist at it. It’s not an inspiring message, is it?

Fear and Loathing in the Southwest

About four years ago, I experienced the paralysis of fear motivation. My wife and I were called to Arizona for her ministry. We knew it was the right thing to do. I resigned from my job in Indiana and we made the trek to the Southwest. When we left our home, she had the job, but I was still looking for my next gig. I had a few leads, but nothing definite. I drove out with a mixture of fear and anxiety, tempered with hope.

I knew it was the right thing to do. Yet, I was also fearful. What if I didn’t find a job quickly? How would we survive? Sure enough, my prophecy of doom came true. I worked for a time as a deli clerk at a grocery store and did freelance illustration while I kept looking. It took eight months to find fulfilling work that would make use of my education and skills. Looking back, I wonder if it would have been a much shorter search if fear didn’t dominate my thinking.

I learned from that experience that fear motivation is not motivation. It is much more useful at paralyzing us than moving us to forward.

You can look toward the future with fear and dread. You probably won’t be motivated to do much. What’s the point if you’re convinced it will go badly? Or you can look toward the future with anticipation and enthusiasm. I learned from that experience four years ago that the latter is much better. It is more effective than watching for those mean, old goblins that will getcha if you don’t watch out!


How to Succeed by Disappointing Someone

Over the years, I have owned cats and dogs. Dogs can be easier to handle because all they want to do is please their owner. However, I have admired cats over the years because of their determination. If they want to climb the drapes, they are going to do it, by golly! If you don’t want a cat on the table, just watch them try to get up there. They’ll find a creative way to sneak up there. Dogs are people pleasers. But cats are goal-setters.

There are times when we need to do both. However, if you have a goal that is going to ruffle some feathers, you will disappoint someone. Some people don’t like change no matter how beneficial it could be. Others are simply not going to see things your way.

In order to make effective change, you are going to disappoint someone. There is no need to be perfidious, but there will be a need to hold your ground when you have a goal or initiative that will bring great results in the long run.

Be like a dog when you need to be friendly and social. Be like a cat when you have a goal that you know must be attained.


How to Be Authentic Without Whining

We all go through stuff. We all struggle once in a while. When we do, the temptation is to put on the facade and smile. We say we’re fine when we feel like we’re dying inside. We don’t want to burden people with our problems.

As a result, we may project this image of being a super person when we struggle just like everyone else. Then when someone else has a problem, they feel they can’t come to us because we appear too perfect.

Yet no one wants to stay in the struggle, right? No one wants to announce to the world they are a hot mess. What is the right balance?

Be authentic with your weaknesses and diligent in your training.

Be Authentic

It’s okay to admit you struggle with something. Every one of us has a weakness. Each one of us is in the process of improving. It’s okay to admit you don’t have it all together. We are all human. It’s okay to admit that is the case.

Train Diligently

Keep training. Just because you’ve had a setback doesn’t mean it’s hopeless. Press on! Give yourself some grace and get back into the training. When you admit you struggle, you give yourself the grace to strive forward.

After all, if you’ve already arrived and are already perfect, what’s left? Be honest with others, and diligent with training. You’ll get there!