
Does Consensus Kill Courage?

Cartoon of man selling idea to skeptical businessmen asking does consensus kill courage

Carey Nieuwhof had a great post entitled, 5 Signs Bad Governance Is Stifling Your Church’s Growth and MissionIn a previous post that he no longer has posted, Niewshof had some great points on how committees can knock the wind out of good ideas. In his post, he said,

When it comes to courageous change, here are four things that are true:

Committees kill vision

Individuals are almost always more courageous than teams

The more people you seek to please up front, the less inspiring your idea will become

Leaders don’t always walk alone, but sometimes they have to start alone.

Carey Nieuwhof
Christianity Encouragement motivation

Why Renewal is Always Possible

A few weeks ago, I got to write an article about a church that is embracing a new name and renewed mission. It is a great example of why renewal is always possible.

I love writing about these articles because it shows that it is never too early for a restart. Here’s another great example from last year. In each case, because someone had hope, a vision, and the courage to begin again, good things began to happen.

new tree grow up on stump-why renewal is always possible.
Photo by Lucas Pezeta on

Seeking the Lofty

A quote by Thorton Wilder reminds me how we need to be involved in seeking the lofty and watch our mental diet as much as our physical one.

Seek the lofty by reading, hearing and seeing great work at some moment every day.
Thornton Wilder

Thornton Wilder Quotes., BrainyMedia Inc, 2022., accessed January 4, 2022.

Garbage in, garbage out is a cliche not just for computer programmers but for people as well. Do we consider how the media we consume affects us? Could we do better by intentionally consuming material that will lift us up as well as others? In other words, is what we’re taking in edifying?

Cartoon of a pastor at a pulpit with a coffee maker. He says, "Today's sermon will be fully edifying, inspirational and caffeinated."
Published in the “Church of God ENewsletter.”

I will confess that I have to watch this all the time. Like everyone else, I am prone to take the bait of breaking news that is really more broken than breaking. I can be drawn to clickbait about a football player with a bad attitude or an outrageous politician that said something offensive.

We all have choices. None of us need to be led along by sensational headlines that only give us mental junk food. The Internet can give us just as much good material as the bad. We just have to be more intentional and look for it. Let’s look for the lofty today.


Phoenix Church Ministers Creatively

I had the opportunity to write an article for Church of God Ministries. It is about a church that found a way to minister to the community during the coronavirus pandemic.

I wrote this article for Church of God Ministries.

Arcadia City Church in Phoenix, Arizona, used an inflatable screen and some electronic expertise to have a drive-in movie family night. Pastors Michael and Christy Fay were inspired by their growing family. They observed how one of their children longed for connection during the quarantine.

I love how instead of getting frustrated and upset about how the crisis has changed how we do church, they were inspired to find a solution. As we continue to experience challenges, let’s all look for ways we can reach out and help others. We can all turn negative situations into solutions that can benefit us and our communities.

children's ministry cartoons

Flying Objects of Biblical Proportions

There’s nothing like a good Bible story to inspire preschoolers. And there’s no other story like David and Goliath to get the kids going.

It is the story of the underdog going at the champion by faith. David has no armor, his brothers aren’t supportive. The king has the attitude of “good luck, because you’re going to need it!”

And yet, the kid conquers the giant. David doesn’t just barely make it. He kills him, collects the spoils and causes the enemy army to run in disarray. The unthinkable suddenly becomes reality because a boy had faith and determination.

So I can understand if a preschooler gets excited and wants to try out her own slingshot skills. Just be careful when that happens. You may want to bring some safety glasses to Sunday school this morning, just in case.