
No Victim of Circumstance!

The new year and decade is almost upon us! I am thinking of new goals and plans for the coming year. There will be a lot going on, including a wedding for my daughter, a new career for my wife, and a new book or two from my pen/word processor (hold me to this one!)

The other day, I read a great article by Melissa Chu entitled, 8 ways you’re making life harder than it has to be. It had some great nuggets of wisdom. I encourage you to read all eight. One that stuck out to me was the last one; pouring your energy into something outside of your control. Chu wrote,

When you wait for someone to choose you, or for a chance event to transform your life, you’re essentially pouring your energy into unproductive emotions and thoughts.

Melissa Chu

I’ve done this to myself several times. So often, I’ve heard a great sermon and what do I do? I think of someone else that needs to change instead of considering what I need to do. There have been times in my life when I have been down and expected someone to come to my rescue or something that would happen to change everything. the problem with that attitude is I start sounding like Curly from the Three Stooges.

I’m a victim of circumstance… not!

Chu’s article is a good reminder for me that I need to focus on my Internal Locus of Control instead of the External Locus of Control. I can’t control others, nor should I. Who am I to control another person?

This coming year, I’ll pray for others instead of trying to control them. And I’ll focus on the things I can control, like my attitude, my decisions, and my resolve to learn and grow.


Conflicting Pride

I had just been laid off. I was seeking advice and some reassurance. So I contacted a local, successful artist to meet with him. 

I have always loved the cartoon style. This successful illustrator came from that background, but his style evolved to a more realistic approach. He gave me advice on observation and how to make my artwork look better. I was shocked and angry. Here I had just come from a great job as a book designer at a succesful company. Didn’t he know I was successful too? (keep in mind the company was struggling enough to lay me off. How successful was that?) My pride got in the way and I wasn’t taking any of this! I thanked him and left. But on the inside, I was fuming!

Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.

Proverbs 13:10

I missed out on a good opportunity and a potential friendship that day because of my fragile pride. It was rather foolish. I’d like to say pride is never an issue anymore. But no, pride can creep in at any time. We are surrounded by it, and our human nature tends to gravitate towards it.

I resolve to listen more before being ready for an argument. I resolve to seek other opinions that aren’t necessarily like mine. Let’s reach out to others that may have advice that runs counter to our opinions.


Disappointments and Experiences

Every one of us go through hard times. It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are, famous or obscure, talented, or believe you have nothing to offer the world. Every one of us go through situations we’d rather not endure. When those times come, how do you view them?

Some name it disappointment and become poorer, others name it experience and become richer.

Siegmund Warburg

You can see the hard times as a great teacher or a harsh punisher. They can be the secret to your success or the excuse for continued failures. Two people can go through the same situation and react in opposite ways.

Whatever you are going through today, ask yourself:

  • What can I learn from this?
  • What does this make possible?
  • What will it look like in the future when I have overcome this?

May today’s double trouble be your double portion of success in the future.

Cartoon of a mom and two boys

Adventures Involve Risk

Thrill-seekers love adventure. Sure, you can attempt to minimize it. You can wear protective clothing, helmets and use climbing ropes. You can go to an amusement park and ride an inspected roller coaster that’s been deemed safe. You can go to a haunted house with chainsaw-wielding fiends and fake blood on the wall, knowing full well they won’t hurt you because that’s bad for business. But if there is no risk involved, there’s no adventure, is there?

Cartoon of an injured boy in the hospital. He says to another boy, "Why is it whenever you have a taste for adventure, I end up in the emergency room?"

On the one hand, we yearn for some adventure. On the other hand, we are risk-averse. We want someone else to take the risk. We don’t really want to risk it all for the business, success or imagined glory. Yet that is what is required to move forward. Change is an adventure. Adventures are risky.

Seth Godin has defined creativity simply as, “It might not work.” That new product launch, the new marketing campaign, that career move may not be as successful as you hope. But deep down, isn’t that the adventure we are all looking for?

holiday motivation

Happy New Year, 2017!

Happy 2017! We do not know what the next year will bring. But we do know every era had its challenges as well as opportunities. Many are both. For every challenge brings opportunity.

This year, I resolve to find each opportunity, to continue to learn, innovate and communicate. In short, I will continue to improve. May your new year be your best yet!