Thrill-seekers love adventure. Sure, you can attempt to minimize it. You can wear protective clothing, helmets and use climbing ropes. You can go to an amusement park and ride an inspected roller coaster that’s been deemed safe. You can go to a haunted house with chainsaw-wielding fiends and fake blood on the wall, knowing full well they won’t hurt you because that’s bad for business. But if there is no risk involved, there’s no adventure, is there?

On the one hand, we yearn for some adventure. On the other hand, we are risk-averse. We want someone else to take the risk. We don’t really want to risk it all for the business, success or imagined glory. Yet that is what is required to move forward. Change is an adventure. Adventures are risky.
Seth Godin has defined creativity simply as, “It might not work.” That new product launch, the new marketing campaign, that career move may not be as successful as you hope. But deep down, isn’t that the adventure we are all looking for?