Parenting Cartoons

Having a Heat Wave

Illustration of a girl and dad in Hawaiian garb.

When my daughter was seven, she found out her mom was serving shish kabobs for dinner. When she discovered this, she immediately searched for some beach party costumes we had stored and prodded me to celebrate. Since we were having shish kabobs, it was naturally a time for a luau, right?

Kids are great for parents because they teach grown ups to lighten up a little. When life gets tough, look for reasons to celebrate. Even if you can’t find something, observe your kids, they can teach us to lighten up and enjoy the world around us!


Listening Zombies

Cartoon of a boy and a zombie. The boy says, "You're a better listener ever since you became a zombie!"

Cartoon of a boy and a zombie. The boy says, “You’re a better listener ever since you became a zombie!”

sketch journal

Beach Oracle

I drew this about twelve years ago at the beach. I wonder now what this boy was thinking as he was staring at the shell and if he ever got his questions answered.

Most adults look at kids and think they have a carefree existence where everything is better than anything an adult could be going through. But as a teacher, I’ve seen experience some tough situations. School and family can be enough to drive anyone crazy, let alone a nine year-old!

Kids need some time to decompress and de-stress too. In the USA, we’re about to enter a holiday weekend. Take some time to relax, and give your kids a chance to do so as well.

Boy stares thoughtfully at a sea shell


Gift for Mom

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

What do you get Mom for Mother’s Day? Lots of love and a sincere thanks is a good start. I better start practicing!

children cartoons

Great Heights

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, "Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, “Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

Heights and obstacles are a matter of perspective, aren’t they? Whenever a child is convinced an obstacle is just too much for them, I need to remember it really does look as big to them as they imagine it. Part of the challenge is to convince a student they can overcome an obstacle without belittling or minimizing their fear.

How do you get a child to overcome an an obstacle in a respectful, encouraging way? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “heights.”