You may disagree with me. In fact, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt since I probably haven’t met your father. However, I have my reasons why my dad is the best dad. And here they are.

It is Memorial Day, 2022. Today, I think back to a post I wrote in 2010. It was a post about my wife’s grandfather who served in World War II. He had passed away long before I met my wife. I wondered what stories he would have had to tell.
This day is about honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. I know I enjoy many freedoms today because of the men and women who made the choice to defend my country.
Happy Easter! This morning, the birds are singing as I get ready for this Resurrection Sunday. Let’s start off with an Easter bunny controversy cartoon.
The Easter bunny has always given me the creeps. I giant six-foot rodent never appeared to me no matter how many treat-filled eggs I received. Besides, an Easter egg hunt looked to me like a terror-filled survival of the fittest. I have an early memory of running frantically to try to get at least one egg before the bigger, faster kids took them all.
Happy Halloween(or Reformation Day)! Yesterday on my run, I encountered what must have been hundreds of birds. As I ran by a cornfield, I heard dozens of wings flutter and a flock took off for the safety of some trees. If it was darker, it would have been a perfectly spooky end of the day.
As I jogged along, I saw and heard more birds. They were chattering while trying to stay warm and dry. I thought about the upcoming winter. The number of birds will be dwindling soon as the cold and short food supplies will test them all.
We experience cycles of life, testing, and death all the time. The days are getting darker and colder where I live. Yet, in six months, it will be a time of rebirth and renewal. It will be a little reformation of the world around us.
Stay safe tonight! Know that no matter how dark things appear, no matter how many ghosts and ghouls come knocking, there will be brighter days ahead. Instead of being part of the dark, be part of the light. May you have a little reformation in your soul and be renewed today.
I have a strange feeling today that all the mess with the COVID-19 virus is because a child caught a leprechaun and the ornery critter found a way to prevent kids from taking any of the spring standardized tests!
It’s going to be a strange Saint Patrick’s day for 2020. All of us will be staying at home. There will be no green dye dumped into the Chicago River… or maybe it will! It sounds like some prankster made at least part of the tradition happen.
Everything seems like a strange leprechaun dream right now. But it will eventually all pass. Let’s keep doing the hard work to keep this virus from spreading faster than it should. Keep washing your hands and practice social distancing. Stay home tonight. It’s the responsible thing to do.
And if by any chance you catch a leprechaun, bypass the pot of gold and see if they can mitigate some of this COVID-19 mess!