motivation Parenting Cartoons teaching

A Salute to the Sudden Homeschooling Parent

I know it must be rough. If you weren’t already a homeschooling parent, it had to be quite challenging to become one without much notice or preparation. I’ve heard more than one parent express admiration for their child’s school teacher. It has changed your relationship with your kids. You may be doing it while you are juggling your job duties. It is probably complicated by a tinge of cabin fever as we await stay-at-home orders to be lifted.

I give a salute to you! It can’t be an easy task. You can take some solace in knowing that you were your child’s first teacher. They have already learned much from you. They also notice how you are juggling so much during this crisis. They admire you much more than they will let on.

Go on and fill your kids with knowledge. Let them know you are with them, are for them, and as a family, you will get through this. When this is a memory one day, your kids will have fond memories of a time that today you are finding quite stressful.


How Do You Endure in a Pandemic?

Many of us are getting stir crazy these days. And it looks like we have another month of self-sequestering.

Even the pets are feeling it. Some may be like the cat in this cartoon. They may need to run up a tree and cause some commotion. I saw a video the other day of a cat that was very upset she had to share the house with her owners. Let’s face it. Cats are the kings and queens of social distancing!

Staying inside and hunkering down is the right thing to do as we attempt to stem this pandemic. But there are some proper ways to take risks and keep your edge as we wait this out.

  • Use the Internet to learn a new skill. What is it that you have been meaning to learn but never got round to?
  • You can take e-courses. Some are free including Yale’s Happiness Course.
  • Reach out to an old friend through the phone or social media.
  • Use social media to spread a message of encouragement. 
  • Read a book about something you always wanted to know. You don’t have one handy?
    • Your library probably has ebooks to check out.
    • You can read free ebooks at Project Gutenberg

Find something useful to do. It’s possible. But I also understand if you’re feeling like climbing up the walls, or even an occasional tree!

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, "Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Children and Investing for the Long Haul

This may be a little sappy this morning. After a fantastic weekend with my kids, they leave to go back to their homes on the other side of the country today. My wife and I will shed a few tears. We’ll laugh at a few memories and awkward moments we had this weekend. We’ll cherish the remaining time and long for when we will be together again this summer. 

It is good to be at this side of parenting and to see two children grow up to be vibrant, pleasant, fun adults. It makes those sleepless nights, diaper changes, endless questions, messy living rooms and the pain of enduring adolescent angst worth it.

My prayer for myself today is that I continue to remember what it was like to be a child and remember what it was like to parent young kids. There are invaluable lessons for all phases of life.

Cartoon of an older man and a boy

My prayer for you today is if you are going through a difficult time in your marriage, parenting or business, I encourage you to stick it out.

  • The grass is rarely greener on the other side of the fence.
  • What seems like a permanent problem will be here and gone in an instant.
  • Don’t confuse a problem with a person.
  • We all change. If we’re intentional and persevere, we’ll change for the better.
  • In business and in families, the long-term approach gives a much better return-on-investment than the short-term perspective.
  • Don’t let the urgent trample the important.
  • If you have to choose between business and family, choose family. They will be there to the end.

Keeping a long-term perspective promotes health and growth. It makes marriage and family totally worth it in the long haul.


Weddings Beget Marriages

I had the honor to witness the wedding of two very special people yesterday. It was wonderful to see two people make a commitment to one another and begin their lives together. Weddings mark the beginning of an institution with so much potential filled with hopes, dreams and love.

Can filled with lit glow sticks

Weddings are wonderful and important. But they are just the start of a marriage. Too often, we get excited about the big event, then lose enthusiasm quickly in the long haul.

My wife and I were at our reception table. She asked the couples how many years they were married. One said thirty-three years. Another thirty-seven. A third had been married twenty years. We have been married for thirty-one years. Between the four of us, there were one hundred and twenty-one accumulated years. In today’s world, that is so uncommon and special.

Each of the couples has had wonderful moments and challenges. Some of us had been there for the other couple in a difficult time. We have laughed and cried together. We had done life together.

I cherish the wedding day my wife and I had on a sunny December day. But I cherish even more the journey we have had in our marriage. The beginning event and the vows are great. The result of living out those vows through the years is even better.


Know What to Change While Persisting

I’ve been listening to an audiobook entitled No More Dreaded Mondays by Dan Miller.

In it, he talks about firing yourself. That’s right! He talks about knowing when to stick with something and when to move on. He’s helped me realize that perseverance and resilience are far more nuanced. There is a time for change during certain points in our lives. Yet, change doesn’t mean I am giving up in general. Many times, businesses do not work. But an astute businessperson can modify, switch and start a new business that is more successful and profitable.

This week, my wife is winding down her current position as a children’s pastor. I am excited to see what is coming because this has been several months in the making. We don’t know what is ahead for her, but we know that her journey isn’t over. She felt led to step out of her current role and identity because she is being called to a new ministry. In effect, she fired herself so she could investigate that new, upcoming, unknown role.

Dan Miller’s book has been a confirmation for me that she is making a wise, discerning choice. We shall see in the new year what that brings to her and me.

Cartoon of a boy in a magician's costume and a duck. The boy says, "I'm sorry, Sis! I didn't mean to change you into a duck. I meant to turn you into a dog!"

One thing we do know, it doesn’t involve magic tricks and nobody is changing anyone into a duck or a dog. So be encouraged!