pet cartoons

Cats vs. Dogs: The Epic Battle of Pets

Some of us are dog lovers. We love the faithful, enthusiastic way they greet us when we return home. Others love the aloof, playful, purring ways of cats. Since I’ve owned both, I have personally witnessed the epic battle between cats and dogs.

Several years ago, I drew a cartoon about one such battle. It was probably inspired by our own pets. We had one dog that loved to play with the cat. The feline was older and not very impressed with the young canine’s enthusiasm. Frequently, the cat would escape to a nearby piece of furniture, or if outside, a tree.

Cartoon of a dog and a treed cat. The dog says, "Come down! All I want to do is talk about taking a bite out of crime."

Each pet has its differences as well as advantages. My kids benefited from seeing the personalities of each of them and even imagined what their pets would act like if they were in a movie called Cats vs. Dogs came out in 2001.

Peace Between Species

Somehow, the two pets learned to get along. When our cat passed on, the dog learned to live with another cat. Though they didn’t always get along, the two pets learned to live with each other.

Whether it is pets in a household, people in the workplace, or even leaders of other countries, peace can feel elusive. Often, we antagonize each other. We can turn small problems into big deals. If we are not careful, we can find ourselves in a battle before we know it.

Yet if we are patient, if we choose to extend an olive branch, peace is possible. The battles of cats vs. dogs can sometimes appear comical. Yet real battles happen all the time with less than comical results.

Am I saying we should be like cats and dogs? Hardly. Our personalities may lean toward one species or another. Yet, we can still learn to live together. I hope you don’t find yourself in a tree today. And may you learn to get along with the person that ever so slightly just showed his fang today!

webcomic wisdom

Why who you hang around with makes a difference

Spear 3975

Cartoon of two boys observing a dog. One boy says, “If he likes it that much, I think you should try it.”

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. Proverbs 13:20

When I was a kid, I had met some friends in our town park. One of the boys in the group claimed he had eaten dog food before and it was delicious. He encouraged all of us to join him at his house and have a feast Fido would be proud of.

All of us knew this kid liked to brag and we also knew he had a tendency to kid other kids to do outlandish things. Still, for a moment, all of us were hesitant to turn him down. Nobody wanted to look like a coward.

One person you hang around with can make all the difference in where your life will head. If you’re in school, do you hang around with people who will bring out the best in you, or the worse? If you’re in business, do you hang out with people that will inspire you to move up and succeed or do they prod you to gripe and procrastinate?

Whatever group you hang out with, you will begin to exhibit some of the same characteristics of that group. Be careful who you hang out with!