Adobe Illustrator cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: The Kitty Bible

Cartoon of a cat with her kittensCartoon of a cat with her kittens. The Momma cat says, Cartoon of a cat with her two kitten. The kitty momma says, “Remember, as cats, we are to shove our enemies and prey on those who persecute us.”

children cartoons New Riders Internet Yellow Pages webcomic

Cartoon: Hamsters and the Media

Cartoon of two girls and a hamster.

Cartoon of  two girls looking at a hamster. One girl says, “This is my new hamster. She’s so neat, I notified all the news networks, Internet news sites and Grandma!”

Illustration Friday webcomic

Illustration Friday: Adrift

Illustration Friday: Adrift, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of cat and dog on and iceberg. Dog says, “On the bright side, at least the snow has melted.”

When this week’s word, “adrift,” came up for Illustration Friday, I thought of all the snow in my backyard and my poor pets. They have had a hard time with the snow. And Indiana hasn’t gotten the kind of snow that has assaulted the east coast. We’ve had only a small taste of Snowmageddon.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

children cartoons School Cartoons webcomic

Comic: Cat Backpack

Cartoon of a boy with a cat on his back. Boy says, “I grabbed him in the dark. I thought he was my backpack.”

Cases of mistaken identity can happen all the time when it’s dark and the middle of winter. I just checked and I am happy to say I wore the same color socks today.

If you ever catch me with a weird combination of socks or a cat on my back, I’ll just say it is a fashion statement. I would advise you to do the same.

I drew this in Adobe Photoshop.

Illustration Friday

illustration Friday-Focused

Here is my digital illustration for this week’s topic on Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “focused.”

When they announced the word, I immediately thought of a camera. After all, I’ve been having all sorts of fun with a point and shoot camera. But the thought soon left me, so obviously, that didn’t have much of an impact on me. If I didn’t care all that much, I didn’t expect anyone else to care either.

When I went back to the sketch, the word, “cheese” stood out. Why do we say cheese when we pose for a camera anyway? Wait, a minute… cheese? What animal is the most focused? I thought of my cat. That critter can get focused on anything that moves. Cats… cheese… mice…. I wondered what connection could be there.
Here were the sketches I made as I was thinking and doodling. As I was thinking of a mouse, I thought how focused one feels if they get the feeling they are being watched. 

I took my illustration into Adobe Illustrator. I started drawing the mouse.   

I begin drawing by using the pen tool. It takes a little while to get used to, but you can’t beat the accuracy and the flexibility once you master it. The pen tool allows you to draw with a mouse or a digital tablet equally well. When I finished the drawing, I took it into Live Paint, eliminated the unneeded strokes and started filling in areas with color.

Next, I began drawing the cat. I put each character on a different layer so I could move them around and apply different effects to each.

I put the eyes and whiskers of the cat on different layers to I could apply a glow to the eyes, and a faded effect for the whiskers. Next, I added a layer of dark color just above the cat layer. This helped everything pop a little more and give a little mystery to the cat.
I drew this all in Adobe Illustrator.