
Greed and Poverty

Greed is not exclusive to the rich or poor. Yet, I see a connection between greed and poverty. It may not have anything to do with physical wealth.

Several months back, I read an article that stated upper-middle-class and upper-class families were hoarding wealth because they feared it could disappear at any time. Burglaries and theft occur in poorer neighborhoods because someone feels they deserve more than their neighbor and feel justified in taking it from them.

At the same time, I have felt encouraged and emboldened when a story comes out about a generous person. The story may focus on a rich individual, but also may feature a middle-class or poor person that gave out of the generosity of their heart. 

Greed is less about the pursuit of having enough and more about a scarcity mindset that makes the person feel justified in taking from another.

Greedy people try to get rich quick but don’t realize they’re headed for poverty.

Proverbs 28:22 (NLT)

Why we Can't Stand Grinchie Porch Pirates

Santa Claus is the antithesis of porch pirates. We love the story of Santa Claus because he gives presents. Porch pirates, on the other hand, steal them. A study shows as of this year, (2019) over a third of Americans have had delivered packages stolen from their front porches.

Cartoon of a policeman interrogating Santa Claus. Santa says, "But you have to believe me! Santa is not a port pirate!"
We believe you, Santa. You are nothing like a porch pirate!

It is much better to be a giver than a taker. That should go without saying. Yet, when I get into a scarcity mentality, it can be easy for me to think of what I can get instead of what I can give. If I start to believe there is only a limited amount of resources, I begin to get selfish. It happens to all of us.

That’s when I remind myself it is much better to give than receive. It is much better to be a blessing than to make it all about me. It’s much better to have an abundance mentality and to give freely.

May you be blessed this Christmas and be a blessing to others. No porch pirates allowed!