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Speartoons Sermon Notes 2/8/09

Speartoons Sermon Notes 2/8/09
Originally uploaded by speartoons

These were my notes from the Sunday morning service at Madison Park Church of God. Pastor Jim Lyon spoke on Heroes and Rahab.


Dreams Work

My pastor, Jim Lyon at Madison Park Church of God, had a great sermon based on Genesis 37:18-20.

When a dream comes from God, it will prevail, despite our stumbling and balking.

Here are my notes.

Bible illustration


Today, my pastor talked about the hypocrisy we can all be guilty of if we live purely by following a rule book and without grace. Sooner or later, we’re going to mess up. Then we pretend we are “living right” instead of admitting we fall short. Next thing you know, we’re judging others and looking down on them instead of admitting we’re just as bad.

So I’ll say it right now: I goof up. I fall short. There! That feels better!


Sunday Sermon: Advent & Isaiah

Yesterday, My pastor, Jim Lyon, preached on Isaiah’s prophecy about Jesus. He said we needed to accept the gift Christ gave us when He came to earth. So here are the notes I took for this week. By the way, only twenty-eight days until Christmas!


Stepping Out of Our Comfort Zones

So what’s your motivation to step out of the boat this week? Mine came from a sermon courtesy of Jeff Matas. I don’t want tredmill spirituality this week. (Or the next week for that matter.)

By the way, Jeff is the guy preaching in the far right drawing. He really does have more hair than that. Too bad for him I didn’t have my reading glasses with me.