Bible Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Jonah, the Rebel | Sermon Sketch Notes

Sketch notes based on a sermon by Steve Chiles at Salem Church of God | Jonah 1:1-17

Sermon Copyright 2019 Steve Chiles. Sketches Copyright 2019 Kevin Spear

At least once in our lives, we are running away from something. Jonah was the classic example of someone who knew better. When he ran away from his calling, things went from bad to worse.

This is one of the Bible stories that has caught the attention of people for years. Today, avoidance is hardly an effective technique!

cartoon Sermon Notes Sketch notes

Tame Your Brain Sermon Sketch Notes: Breaking Strongholds

Sermon Sketch notes from February 17, 2019. Notes based on a sermon by Steve Southards on taming your brain.

Sketch notes Copyright © 2019 by Kevin Spear. Sermon Copyright © 2019 Steve Southards

There are lies we believe all the time.

  • We think we’re not good enough
  • We think we’ll be happy once we get something or once someone accepts us
  • We think we are victims of our thoughts and circumstances and nothing will ever change
  • We think we are too young or too old and that it’s useless to try

For me, yesterday’s sermon from my pastor was a good reminder we can get stuck in a lie and deceive ourselves into believing it. You may disagree with me or the faith I claim. And that’s okay. For me, scripture is the cornerstone of my belief.

  • It has allowed me to see the good in others and myself
  • It has shown me my selfishness and where I need to change to love others

The renewal of my mind allows me to

  • Replace anxious thoughts with peace-filled thoughts
  • Replace earthly concerns with eternal concerns
  • Acknowledge reality while seeing the glass half-full versus half empty

May you have a blessed day today!

I recorded these notes at Salem Church of God, Clayton, Ohio.

church cartoons

Non GMO sermons

Cartoon of a man shaking a pastor's hand. He says, “What a great sermon, Pastor! I could tell it was not genetically modified.”I admire the pastors who have delivered sermons ever since I was old enough to recognize it was my Grandpa at the pulpit and he was saying some pretty deep things. 

I look at the guy who is trying to flatter the pastor as clueless. Perhaps he has grabbed on to a phrase that he has no clue about and just wants to sound sophisticated. 

When you shake hands with your pastor this morning, be sure your complement suggests you actually heard and retained the sermon within your good old noggin. 

Career cartoon Christianity

Video: Finding God in the Darkness When I’m Waiting

I was humbled when my pastor asked me to give a testimony about the waiting I have experienced for the last two years. I proposed giving a cartoon testimony. It is a tribute to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, only my version is Diary of a Waiting Guy. 

I recorded myself drawing, then wrote a script for the video. You can see it in the first five minutes of the sermon video.

If you know anything about me, you know faith is a bit part of who I am. It is the reason we left everything we knew in Indiana and moved to Arizona. It is also the reason we moved to the Dayton, Ohio area. It is the reason I hold perseverance as an important value. You cannot start anything new without taking a risk and displaying perseverance.

Pastor Steve Southards did a great job explaining the why’s of a waiting period through the story of Joseph in Genesis. My wife and I are privileged to be serving at Salem Church of God. The last two years have challenged me, but I am glad I made the leap. Taking a risk is much better than doing the same thing and wondering what could have happened if we took a risk.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Quality Assured Sermons

Cartoon of a pastor saying, "I must remind you my sermons are recorded for quality assurance."

I wonder how differently I’d act if I knew every word I said was recorded? Would the quality of my words be assured? I’d like to think I would be fine with all the words I’ve said. Yet I know if someone recorded all the words I said yesterday, I would not be proud.