church cartoons holiday

We Gather Together

Thanksgiving is coming in the United States. So there is nothing better for me than to dole out another Thanksgiving cartoon! It’s like an extra helping of oyster dressing and cranberry salad.

The church I grew up in felt obligated to sing We Gather Together each Thanksgiving season. The challenge was that the worship leader would sing it the Sunday before the holiday. To a child, that seemed an eternity away. We might as well sing a Christmas Carol while we were at it! Of course, that came the next Sunday. My poor immature mind couldn’t take this hymnal time warp every season.

The hymn wasn’t exactly kid-friendly either. The first verse was a lot to take in. There isn’t even a chorus! It didn’t exactly roll off the tongue for me.

“We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;
He chastens and hastens His will to make known.
The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing.
Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own.”

Theodore Baker 1894

So this year, I decided to modernize it a bit. Here is my version:

Cartoon of a couple singing a hymn. It's a parody of "We Gather Together."
Published in the November 2021 CHOGNews.

I realize “scones” is a little high class. But “donuts” didn’t have the same ring to it. Besides, I know a dear lady at one of our previous churches that makes the best scones. Whenever I bit into one, I felt quite grateful.

So have a happy Thanksgiving! enjoy a warm gathering and some scones. It may cause you to break out in singing.

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.

church cartoons motivation

Church at a Premium 4146.jpg

My grandfather was a minister. My dad made his career in insurance. You can imagine the discussions they would have about faith, the church and liability!

I’ve been at both the child side and the counselor side of church camps. I’ve seen boys perform feats of skill that defy gravity and all logic. It is a wonder the ambulance wasn’t on twenty-four standby at the camp!

So now that summer is waning, let us rejoice that the kids are back in school and insurance adjusters for churches and church camps can breathe a sigh of relief.

I drew this cartoon for the August, 2019 CHOGnews Newsletter.


Leadership and Responsibility

Sketch of a king holding a sign that says, “Not Responsible for any of Your Problems.”

It’s fun to be in charge. Everyone loves the perks that come with leadership. But with each leadership position, there comes responsibility.

A king that that loves to rule, but takes responsibility for nothing makes for a lousy ruler.

If you want to be in charge, What responsibilities are you willing to take on? The larger the role, the more you will be accountable for.

Charisma and seniority only takes a leader so far.

cartoon seasons

Fair Weather, Frigid Friends

Cartoon of a boy and snowman. The boy says, "I am realizing you're the kind of friend that is here today, and gone tomorrow."Friendship is a complicated thing, especially when your friend is only around for a season. It can be hard when snowbird of a friend flies to Florida or Arizona. I have found myself in a role-reversal since my kids live in those states.

But distance shouldn’t separate friends like it once did, right? Technology and air travel makes it possible to bridge the gap that once seemed like a bottomless chasm. We can still have close friends that have moved far away. It’s also a good thing for our friends who enjoy the sub-zero temperatures like Mister Snowman.

Whether your friend is warm and bubbly, or cold and frigid, perhaps today is a good day to reach out and give them a call or text today.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Volunteering for the money

Cartoon of a burglar who says, "I'd love to volunteer, but I only want to count the money."
I’ve heard it said that it takes a leader to motivate paid staff, but it takes a real leader to motivate volunteers. That’s why I believe one of the best leaders I’ve seen is my wife. I have seen her cast vision, inspire and motivate children’s ministry volunteer staff at three churches. 

At none of the churches have I seen a guy like the burglar in this cartoon. He would not be allowed to rock babies or make crafts with the preschoolers. Besides, he wouldn’t pass the background check!

I drew this for the October 2017 Church of God e-newsletter.