
Listening Zombies

Cartoon of a boy and a zombie. The boy says, "You're a better listener ever since you became a zombie!"

Cartoon of a boy and a zombie. The boy says, “You’re a better listener ever since you became a zombie!”



Cartoon of  a guy holding back a bulging door.

Cartoon of  a guy holding back a bulging door. He says, “My idea is getting push-back.”

No matter what kind of business you’re in, no matter what kind of creative endeavor you have, no matter what kind of cause you are for, you are going to get push back. This is especially true if you have an idea or cause worth fighting for. Someone is going to want to fight back. That’s how you know it’s worth fighting for anyway.

I used to think if I was getting resistance to an idea, it wasn’t meant to be. Now I realize quite the opposite. Push-back is part of the process. Besides, if nobody cares about your idea, if no one get’s fired up for or against it, it must not be a very powerful idea.

Business Cartoons

Hatching an Idea

Cartoon of a chicken and an executive

Cartoon of an executive and a chicken. The chicken says, “That’s a nice idea. Let it incubate and see what hatches.”

School Cartoons

Big Head

Cartoon of a teacher and a boy with a big head

Cartoon of a teacher and a student with a big head. The student says, “You’re a great teacher. In fact, you almost gave me too much information.”


Float Them Down the River

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, "But if they did it to Moses, why can't I float him down the river?"

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, “But if they did it to Moses, why can’t I float him down the river?”

Don’t try this at home, kids! I drew this for the May, 2012 edition of the Church of God Newsletter.