Because I work for an essential business, I continue to drive to work. One of the things I’ve noticed on my short commute to work is that the speeders have much more leeway as they careen about trucks and cars on the freeway. The traffic is somewhat lighter and those who love to speed have taken advantage of it.
It can’t be because they are late for an appointment. It probably isn’t because they were previously stuck in a traffic jam. It is a habit and they aren’t likely to change it unless the Highway Patrol pulls them over. It feels very strange to witness this when much of the world has been slowing down for the last month. Some people are just addicted to life in the fast lane.
How is your speed these days?
- Do you feel like the world has slowed down for you?
- Do you feel anxious because you relied on an adrenaline rush and this is a time of waiting?
- Are you chomping at the bit and ready to get back to life in the fast lane?
If so, consider that this is a good time for preparation. This may be a good time for deep work, for goal setting or to learn a new skill. Things will get back to the fast lane. What does this slower, waiting pace enable you today?