Illustration Friday

Beach Tastee Freeze

Illustration of a boy on a beach with a slushie drink.

When I thought of Illustration Friday’s word, “freeze,” I thought of one of my favorite summer treats. Whether you for for Tasty Freeze™, slushies, Slurpees, shaved ice, Italian Ice, Mr Freeze™, snow cone, or any other type or brand, They are just the right treat when you’re on a hot beach!

I drew this using Adobe Ideas for the iPad, then Adobe Illustrator.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons children's ministry cartoons gag cartoon K! Magazine Magazine single panel cartoon webcomic

Do the Water Slide

Cartoon of two boys and a teacher. One of the boys says, “We know what our summer project can be. We can start a water slide ministry.”

This cartoon is in the March/April, 2011 issue of K! Magazine. This issued focuses on summer and missions. They’re talking VBS, camps and all-around summer fun! It’s helping me warm up on a cold, March day.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon recreation relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Curses! Super Soaked Again

Cartoon of boy in pool and a girl

Cartoon of boy in a swimming pool and a girl. “The pool was more fun when you let me splash you.”