CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters technology cartoons

A Little Live Streaming Event

I’ve had the pleasure of helping with some live streaming at the church we attend. I’m not talking about an unfortunate incident like in my cartoon, but setting a live presentation of a church service on Facebook Live.

We live in an amazing time where we can use technology on a shoestring budget. It was only a few short years ago that it was a major undertaking to broadcast a live event. Now, anyone with a smartphone can broadcast live. What an amazing world!

And yes, small churches with maintenance issues can have a live stream going on during the live service while they still have plumbing issues in another part of the building. It’s no longer the big broadcasting conglomerates with ample money that can go live. In fact, you could even have a snarky teenager broadcasting the live flooding event while the big event is going on in another part of the building. That is also the nature of today’s technology.

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.

Cartoon of two people staring at a wet floor. One says, "Maybe we should tell the janitor we just started live streaming."
Published in the July, 2021 “CHOGNews.”
church cartoons technology cartoons

How to have a bad virtual church board meeting

It’s too easy to have a bad virtual meeting. We’ve all had to learn how to frame ourselves in a camera. Some have learned to adjust. Others have had some major faux pas.

A few weeks ago, a Texas lawyer had such a problem. He couldn’t figure out how to turn off a cat filter during a legal hearing. Many parents chuckled about that one. Yet many also secretly thought, “When I share a computer with my kid, I hope she doesn’t do that to me.” Perhaps the kids are getting back at us for times we’ve used technology to spy on them.

You may know how to have a bad virtual church board meeting. But what are some ways to have a good meeting?

  • Make good use of the mute button when you aren’t speaking
  • Remember you have the mute button on and turn it off before you speak!
  • Consider the lighting. If you can’t see yourself very well in the screen because the lighting is too bright, you may want to do something about it.
  • Give the speaker feedback with positive gestures such as a smile and a nod when they make a point
  • Pay attention and stay focused on the meeting
  • Turn off notifications before you share a screen

Two more tips; pay attention to how close or far away you are from the camera… and keep your nose clean!

Cartoon of a man at a laptop. he says, "Welcome to the virtual church board meeting... Ed, in your frame, we can only see your big nose."

I drew this cartoon for the November 2022 CHOGNews.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

How can you virtually deliver a sermon?

Churches have enough challenges these days. One of the many obstacles has been how to virtually deliver a sermon to congregants who are staying home. COVID-19 has made life and ministry quite interesting!

Pastors and churches have found some incredible, creative ways to get their sermons out. Some have made use of Facebook Live while others have used YouTube. Others have polished up their web sites and made them more user-friendly. One great thing about these challenges is it has brought about innovation. We have all learned to use technology in ways we never would have dreamed of this time last year.

One of my goals for the coming year is to help pastors and Christian leaders use the Internet and social media more effectively. This continues to be the way many people get their information. Google has become the oracle many turn to. After all, when we have a question, how many of us type that question into Google to see what the results bring?

When it comes to public speaking and sermons, pastors are great communicators. However, it’s a totally different communication method to distill a sermon into a tweet, Facebook post, or blog. But since search engines depend on text, it is a vital part of today’s effective communication.

I feel for the church as it faces more challenges in the coming weeks. COVID-19 cases continue to climb as we get ready for Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas. November 2020 is beginning to feel a lot like March 2020. What will Christmas look like this year? Are all of the events canceled? Should they be?

We can still give thanks even when the event doesn’t look like it normally does. We can still celebrate and commemorate Christmas even though the annual choir extravaganza has been canceled. The holidays are about more than events.

I drew this cartoon for the November 2020 CHOGNews.

Cartoon of a man holding a tablet computer. He says, "I'll just hold the screen while our guest pastor delivers the sermon!"
Copyright © 2020 Kevin Spear for Church of God Ministries

One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

How would you like to be the kid in this cartoon? Dads can be clueless, can’t they? He may be surprised to discover his find doesn’t have a way to connect to the Internet. It would be a nice machine for someone looking for a trip back in time. But it wouldn’t be very practical for today’s computer needs. The father had not considered what his son truly needs.

This cartoon was for a book I illustrated entitled New Rider’s Official Internet Pages. It seems silly today, but at the time, a book about how to find what you were looking for on the Web was a good idea. Search engines were still a bit clunky. Google wouldn’t exist for another three years. So why not use a paper book to search on the Web? Today, that book is about as cutting-edge as a Commodore 64 computer.

You can still buy Commodore 64’s. E-bay has plenty of them for sale. While they don’t cost as much as when they were new, they still appear to cost as much as a new tablet or laptop. Today, you wouldn’t buy one for its power, but for nostalgia.

We can get stuck in thinking we know what the solution is when it isn’t appropriate. Old technology won’t work for today’s students. Yet, someone with an eye for eighties technology would love it. When considering a solution, be sure you know your audience. You want someone to be surprised in a good way.

In the meantime, who wants to play Ace of Aces on an old Commodore 64?

Man with son. "Welcome to the computer age, Son! I got you the finest Commodore 64 money can buy."
motivation technology cartoons

Are You Getting Tired of Staring at Screens Too?

Yes, I am also tired of staring at screens. If it’s not a computer screen, it’s my phone, tablet or television. If you are working from home, odds are, your screen is the window to your workplace. If you are not working right now, a screen may be your entertainment, a diversion or vital information about the outside world.

I am thankful we have this technology. It gives us insight and helps us to be productive. Yet, it can cause our eyes to glaze over. I don’t know about you, but my eyes feel tired by noon. And there are days when the connection is slow and it feels like I spend more time waiting for the network to catch up than doing work. Yes, it can be frustrating.

Yet, this has been good for us. We are all now finding ways to work we didn’t think were possible at the beginning of the year. We were very paper-based in my office. Now we know it is possible to eliminate the paper. And in some cases, it is actually speeding up the workflow.

As we get through this screen-filled era, remember to take some time to look away for a while. Perhaps read that paper book you’ve been meaning to get to. Call a coworker or friend. Or close your eyes on your break and listen to some uplifting music or an informative podcast. Your eyes will thank you. And perhaps your mind will thank you for the break as well.

Cartoon of a man staring at a computer screen