children cartoons relationship cartoons technology cartoons

Do You Make the Best Use of Technology?

The boy in this cartoon found a solution to his problem. He knows that if there is any chance he will have a social life in the future, he needs to show evidence he can talk to individuals of the opposite gender. When I drew this, the only thing that came to mind about “social distancing,” would have been the plight of poor, nerdy boys.

Technology can help us if we are smart about it.

  • It can help us keep connected as we continue to practice social distancing
  • It can help us get work done at home
  • It can keep kids going to school even as the schools are closed

But technology can also cause problems.

  • It can distract us from work or school
  • It can fill us with anxiety when we hear the same doomsday scenario over and over
  • It can keep us from disconnecting and make us feel like we have to be always on

How have you used technology wisely? What are some tips for those who may struggle with using it wisely?

cartoon of girl and a boy with a web cam
technology cartoons

When Your Electronic Device Breaks…

Since I drew this cartoon, we have become a bit less dependent on desktops and laptops and more dependent on our smartphones. I’ve witnessed this recently.

When I was in an airport, the majority of people were on their phones. We keep in touch. We make our calls, text our friends and family and find out what the latest news is. We shudder to think what would happen if our favorite electronic device broke.

Today, if our electronic device broke, we would be hard pressed to find anyone willing to let us borrow theirs. It’s become an extension of us. It would almost be like asking a friend to borrow their toothbrush!

Are we getting too dependent on our electronic devices?

This has made me reconsider my smartphone addiction. I’m not sure I want to willingly give up my phone, but perhaps I depend too much on my electronic devices. How about you?

Cartoon of an elderly mom with packed suitcases talking to her adult daughter
church cartoons

Electronic Giving is NOT E-Waste!

Cartoon of a guy lugging an old PC. Another guy says, "Electronic Giving doesn't mean you donate your old PC!"
© 2019 Kevin Spear. Published in the October 2019 Church of God Newsletter

I noticed this has been an issue anywhere I worked with more than twenty years of history. There’s an old PC in the corner. There are old hard drives, zip disks and even floppy disks. Does anyone remember the old 5 1/4″ floppy disks? They still make great coasters. But they’re not very good for storage these days.

Today, you can get a 64mb flash drive for the same price an old floppy once cost and it could contain the equivalent of 42,667 floppies! Yes, I did the math. You can get a 64 mb flash drive for about $2.00 USD today (October 20, 2019). That is what I remember floppy drives going for in the late eighties and nineties. They carried about 1.5 kb. Alas, that old hardware, software and storage devices aren’t useful anymore. So please don’t donate them to a church or charity. They don’t need your ancient e-junk!

Electronic giving has been a thing at the churches I’ve attended for over five years now. You can have funds withdrawn to your account and not have to worry about bringing cash or paper check for the offering plate. When I’ve heard the phrase “electronic giving” from the pulpit, I’ve often wondered what if would look like if someone took it literally and placed a flash drive in the plate as proof they actually gave something!

I drew this for the October, 2019 CHOGNews.

children's ministry cartoons

Cartoon: on Youtube

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, "You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It's already posted on Youtube!"

Cartoon of boy and dad. The boy says, “You should have seen what Bobby did in class! It’s already posted on Youtube!”

I drew this cartoon for K! Magazine.

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon city cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Too Smart for a Smartphone

Cartoon of a business man and homeless man

Cartoon of a business man who meets a homeless man. The homeless man holds a sign that says, “No smartphone. Please Help!”