Business Cartoons

Hatching an Idea

Cartoon of a chicken and an executive

Cartoon of an executive and a chicken. The chicken says, “That’s a nice idea. Let it incubate and see what hatches.”

School Cartoons

Big Head

Cartoon of a teacher and a boy with a big head

Cartoon of a teacher and a student with a big head. The student says, “You’re a great teacher. In fact, you almost gave me too much information.”


Float Them Down the River

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, "But if they did it to Moses, why can't I float him down the river?"

Cartoon of a mom rushing to the aid of a baby in a basket. A boy says, “But if they did it to Moses, why can’t I float him down the river?”

Don’t try this at home, kids! I drew this for the May, 2012 edition of the Church of God Newsletter.


Gift for Mom

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

Cartoon of two boys. One says, “What do you get a mom who has everything, including eyes in the back of her head?”

What do you get Mom for Mother’s Day? Lots of love and a sincere thanks is a good start. I better start practicing!

children cartoons

Great Heights

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, "Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Cartoon of a girl scolding a kitten. She says, “Come down from there! Are you trying to get yourself killed?”

Heights and obstacles are a matter of perspective, aren’t they? Whenever a child is convinced an obstacle is just too much for them, I need to remember it really does look as big to them as they imagine it. Part of the challenge is to convince a student they can overcome an obstacle without belittling or minimizing their fear.

How do you get a child to overcome an an obstacle in a respectful, encouraging way? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “heights.”