
Temptation Island

Caption reads: Three days earlier, Gary asked God to eliminate from his life all temptation.

I need this island whenever I’m near a refrigerator or a bowl of chips and salsa. You can’t eat just one. You can eat the whole bowl before you realize it. Lord, deliver me from temptation… right after I’m done with this ice cream.

cartoon children cartoons work

Chores and Video Games

Caption reads: “That is some video game. Maybe we better do our chores now.”

I used to love video games until my son began beating me. Now, I feel like I need a walker and dentures whenever I try to play a game with him. Maybe that’s what makes me so enthusiastic when I urge him to get of that video game and finish his chores. Sure, I’ll admit it. It’s sour grapes!

cartoon children cartoons

Excuse List

Caption reads: “I’ll get to my chores as soon as I finish my list of excuses why I shouldn’t to them.”

Oh, I have so many things to do this evening, but it sounds good just to sit back and let the evening roll along. At least I got the cartoon out for today. It was a rainy day and a Monday. Isn’t that the first and best excuse not to get something done this evening?

cartoon Religion Cartoons

Spiritually Mature

Caption reads: “That’s the first time a girl has turned me down because I’m not spiritually mature.”

I hope I’m more spiritually mature than I was when I was dating. I was selfish, self-serving and vain. That’s not to say I’m not now, but I pray I’m going in the right direction. I’m just glad my wife stood by me. I married above my spiritual maturity, that’s for sure.

cartoon children cartoons holiday single panel cartoon webcomic

Cartoon: Lint for Lent

Cartoon: Laundry for Lent
Cartoon of a son and mom. The son says, “Bobby’s family isn’t doing their laundry anymore. He said they were giving something up for lint.”

Lent was one of those words that confused me as a kid. How many words to we play around with that leave kids puzzled? Church is certainly a big place for that. Keep it simple. Is it right to say happy Lent? It may be hard to do that if the thing you gave up was chocolate.