
20 Myths About Appearance

While it’s true beauty is only skin deep, we obsess about our appearance every day. I am coming at this from the perspective of a male. That’s the perspective I have been given, and I’m afraid I can trade it in for a newer, better model.Cartoon of guy with a bird on his head

I have observed there are at least twenty myths we have about our appearance.

  1. Everyone is fooled by a comb over. I hate to break it to you, but if you are using your extra long sideburns to cover your shiny top, we notice.
  2. A person that looks perfect, must be perfect. The reality is every one of us has imperfections. Perfect people never existed. Just read a biography of your favorite person and you will soon discover they were a mess too.
  3. If it looked cool then, it looks cool now. You obviously never saw my yearbook pictures. Some of eighties fashion didn’t age well. Mullet anyone? Parachute pants?
  4. Beautiful people are secure. Have you ever met someone you thought were perfect in school and find out they were just as insecure and had just as many issues as you did? Everyone has an inner critic and it keeps us all wondering if we are enough.
  5. You can rely on a retail clerk to give you honest fashion advice. Nope. If they work on commission, they’d sell you a polka dot bedspread and try to convince you it was featured on a Paris runway.
  6. Once beautiful, always beautiful. Everything and everyone changes. I’ve seen people that have blossomed as they aged and others that have been transformed by bitterness and disappointment. Beauty is fleeting.
  7. Nobody notices plastic surgery. Sorry. We all notice. Nothing can fully imitate or improve on nature. It was hard to watch Michael Jackson’s transformation over the years. Please show restraint.
  8. Everything goes the way of beautiful people. I’ve seen heartbreak happen to everyone. Appearances never keeps anyone from problems.
  9. If you got it, you should flaunt it. Please people! Don’t make us avert our eyes. Modesty is every bit as attractive and doesn’t make everyone awkward.
  10. I can improve my outward appearance on the outside. Inner beauty is much more effective. Love, kindness and gentleness transforms anyone.
  11. The more skinnier and malnourished you look, the better. Nobody thinks someone who looks like they are longing for a sandwich is more attractive than the well fed. 
  12. Wealth follows the beautiful. Sure, some people may make a business from their looks. But I’ve seen people with money that look quite average. Business sense goes a lot further.
  13. Fashion is the way to improve appearance. Today’s trendy fashion is tomorrow’s joke. Actually, it’s today’s joke too but no one wants to admit it yet.
  14. Shower money on your appearance and watch transformation! You’ve seen too many ads. Inner beauty makes real transformation.
  15. You can stand out by being like everyone else. Conformity doesn’t encourage beauty. A flower stands out because it is different than all the weeds. Be yourself.
  16. Manners don’t matter. An attractive person that is boorish and loud becomes less attractive by the minute. Consider others and let your manners reflect your beauty.
  17. Controlled substances improve your appearance. Supplements and drugs are not the answer. A placebo is just as likely to make you think you look like a million bucks. 
  18. Beauty is only skin deep. Inner beauty can make the most plain person glow. An attractive person with inner beauty is an unbeatable combination. 
  19. You can count on a cartoonist to give you great beauty tips. My wife and daughter have debunked that theory many times.
  20. The older you get, the worse you look. None of us can control the aging process. My wish is that everyone gets old enough to worry about how they don’t look like they used to. So work on that inner beauty. Because that is something age can never take away from you.

Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting.

Proverbs 31:30a NIV

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.