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Nature’s April Fool

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are. But in Indiana and Ohio, we’ve had a few times when the weather on April fools day has been quite the joke!

Cartoon of boy and girl with snowman. She says, "I can't stand it when nature throws us an April fools joke." April fools day

Two days ago, the temperature was in the seventies. But today, we’ll be lucky to see the forties in Ohio. Parts of the state may even have snow. Happy April fools day!

Today, beware of pranks that will come out of nowhere. We have celebrated this day for centuries. Yet, it frequently catches us by surprise when someone pulls one over on us. Let this be your friendly warning that today is the day to be on your guard.

If you are a prankster, please be sure to consider the possible outcomes of your joke. Some schemes work, but others backfire spectacularly. Companies try to get in a joke or two only to find out when people take them seriously, it can cause a lot of trouble and explanations.

April Fools Day Tips

So here are some tips for today:

  • Keep it kind and friendly
  • Consider the outcome
  • When possible, try the prank in the morning before anyone had their wake up beverage of choice
  • Keep it simple
  • Break no laws… or furniture… or vehicles… or anything else!
  • Remember what goes around, comes around
  • Stay safe, my friends!

I hope your weather is much better today than what we’re getting in my area. If not, sit back and consider it can be worse. May there be no severe weather today or in the foreseeable future. And if it’s a bit cold and snowy, may you at least have enough of the white stuff available to make an April fools day joke in the form of a snowball.

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.

2 replies on “Nature’s April Fool”

[…] But in Indiana, we’ve had a few times when the weather was in on the April Fools joke. …More Cancel […]

Hello there, Happy April Fool’s Day!!!

My wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to our six-year-old daughter and said, “Would you like to say the blessing?”
“I wouldn’t know what to say,” she replied.
“Just say what you hear Mommy say,” my wife said.
Our daughter bowed her head and said: “Dear Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?”

Happy April Fool’s Day!

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