cartoon church cartoons

Church Bulletin Deadlines

Pastors and church administrative professionals have to be aware of church bulletin deadlines. They can ruin the day for an unorganized pastor!

One day, my wife came home and discussed the challenges of an associate trying to meet the deadline for the newsletter. This led to the following cartoon.

Church bulletin deadlines cartoon. A woman says,  “If you don’t get me the copy for the bulletin in ten minutes, Sunday morning church will be canceled.”

For the Love of Church Bulletins

I love church bulletins. As a child, they kept me busy. They gave me something to doodle on as I listened to my grandfather’s sermons. It was fun to read the words he had typed in the bulletin while I heard him preach. It was like stereo for the mind.

One of the memories I have of my grandfather was him dutifully using a ditto machine to print the inside of the bulletins. It looked something like this:

Hand Crank Spirit Duplicator from Wikipedia

He used bulletin shells from Warner Press. Our church movement had an international convention a few miles east of us every year. Each June, my grandfather would let me go with him. He would hit a sale and buy several boxes of church bulletin shells along with boxed cards.

Later, I had the privilege to work for the same Christian publisher that produced the shells of church bulletins my grandfather loved. They continue to do so. It’s one way to ease the burden many a church secretary has in creating the next church bulletin.

The Challenge of Church Bulletin Deadlines

Today’s world moves so fast. Some churches have replaced bulletins with email newsletters or other forms of electronic communications. Yet, nothing replaces having something in a person’s hand to remind them of an important event or sermon note.

Bulletins are still an important part of church communications. Hey, if you need some, go to Warner Press. My former employer would be so glad!

Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.