Babies cartoon children's ministry cartoons

Rousing Baby Quartet

Cartoon of four babies in baby bedsCartoon of four babies in baby beds. One baby says, “Do you know what we have here? We have the makings of a great quartet!

When I have served in nurseries and the babies began wailing, I’ve often wondered what it would be like if the kiddos cried in harmony. Someone needs to modify an autotune device so it could make church nurseries harmonious places. 


Ever Tried to be Anonymous?

Cartoon of a guy lamenting he has the last name of AnonymousCartoon of two guys. One is lamenting, “It’s tough when your last name is ‘Anonymous.’ Everyone hits you up for donations.”

In my very limited research, I didn’t find anyone whose last name was literally “Anonymous.” I am surprised someone hasn’t had their name legally changed to that. It would be a good way to confuse people.

Have you ever tried to be an anonymous giver? Don’t answer that. It would spoil the whole anonymity thing.

Career cartoon Christianity

Video: Finding God in the Darkness When I’m Waiting

I was humbled when my pastor asked me to give a testimony about the waiting I have experienced for the last two years. I proposed giving a cartoon testimony. It is a tribute to Diary of a Wimpy Kid, only my version is Diary of a Waiting Guy. 

I recorded myself drawing, then wrote a script for the video. You can see it in the first five minutes of the sermon video.

If you know anything about me, you know faith is a bit part of who I am. It is the reason we left everything we knew in Indiana and moved to Arizona. It is also the reason we moved to the Dayton, Ohio area. It is the reason I hold perseverance as an important value. You cannot start anything new without taking a risk and displaying perseverance.

Pastor Steve Southards did a great job explaining the why’s of a waiting period through the story of Joseph in Genesis. My wife and I are privileged to be serving at Salem Church of God. The last two years have challenged me, but I am glad I made the leap. Taking a risk is much better than doing the same thing and wondering what could have happened if we took a risk.


Do you ever wonder what the neighbors are doing?

  Telescopes and neighbors just don’t mix. This guy may be too nosy for his own good. Kids, don’t try this at home!

I am drawing this for KidzMatter Magazine. 

cartoon holiday

Halloween and Politics

Cartoon of a man and vampire. A man says, “Wow, Michael! Congress really changed you!”Cartoon of a man and vampire. A man says, “Wow, Michael! Congress really changed you!”

According to a quick Internet search, Lord Acton was the one who originally said, “Power Corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

No matter who you are, the temptation is there to become a little vampire whenever you gain a little power. The more you get, the more the fangs start protruding and you begin fearing the light. Hey! no one is righteous, not even one.

On this Halloween night, be careful out there! Because the politicians will get you if you don’t watch out!