Christianity holiday

Be an Instrument of Peace

 Some days, it feels more and more difficult to take Saint Francis of Assisi’s prayer at face value to be an instrument of peace.

"Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace." Francis of Assisi

Yet, there is a future of peacemakers. After all, the only thing warmongers achieve is death and destruction. We cannot live in a world where everyone is at each other’s throats, whether it is nations, communities of families, we need peacemakers.

This is my prayer as we enter the holiday season. May I be an instrument of peace. Where there is hatred, Lord, let me sow love.

Christianity Missions motivation

Lessons From a Mission Trip

Last month, I was privileged to go on a short-term mission trip with my employer, OneHope, to the Dominican Republic. And the good news is I didn’t break the country! Along the way, I learned a few lessons from a mission trip.

I have been on a few mission trips over the years. Whenever I am on a new experience, I keep my eye out for new lessons. Some of them may be new. Others reassure me past lessons are still valid. On this trip, three lessons stood out to me.

Rainy afternoon in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
A rainy afternoon in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Christianity Encouragement motivation

Why Renewal is Always Possible

A few weeks ago, I got to write an article about a church that is embracing a new name and renewed mission. It is a great example of why renewal is always possible.

I love writing about these articles because it shows that it is never too early for a restart. Here’s another great example from last year. In each case, because someone had hope, a vision, and the courage to begin again, good things began to happen.

new tree grow up on stump-why renewal is always possible.
Photo by Lucas Pezeta on
children's ministry CHOG News Christianity Community Mother's Day Newsletters

Baby Dedication and Mother’s Day

This year, I got to write an article about baby and child dedication in my church tradition. Tomorrow, in many churches, there will be a connection between baby dedication and Mother’s Day.

Baby Dedication and the Heart of a Mother via
Christianity motivation

Passion Brings Possibilities

Passion for our work and life is a curious emotion. If what we are doing fires us up, time and difficulties vanish. But if we are not careful, challenges can begin to extinguish our flame. That is why it is so important to keep our fervor because passion brings possibilities.

What Fires Our Souls?

This quote by Jean de La Fontaine fires me up! What is it does the same for you? Is it a god-given talent that you love to use? Could it be the people or place you grew up with? How about the family you are raising?

In our world, passion gets confused with the love someone has for another. And yes, that is one facet of passion. But it is much more than romantic love.

We may be good at something. But as I learned from a friend, we can have talent, yet our passion lies somewhere else. We may excel at our jobs, but long for something more fulfilling. When we find our enthusiasm, passion brings possibilities.

The Passion of Christ

When I first heard that phrase, I was confused. Society’s definition was all about romantic love. Why would anyone call Jesus’ road to the cross a passion?

But today, I see that emotion was the key to Jesus’ commitment. Why else would anyone give up their life for anyone else? Everything within us wants to live as long as we can. While it is true some contend with tragic situations and emotions that cause them to take their lives, it is a whole other level to willingly give one’s life for the sake of the other. Such sacrifice is profound.

Passion causes us to have hope and a future. It brings possibilities far beyond our imaginations. Never discount the value of passion. It not only makes life worth living, but it also renews life.

Christ’s passion for us caused the impossible to become possible. It is amazing how passion brings possibilities.