Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons children's ministry cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Roughing it at Church Camp Cartoon

As we enter the month of May, and the end of school is in sight, it becomes the prime season for a roughing it at church camp cartoon.

Roughing it at church camp cartoon. One boy says, "I'm signing up for church camp even if they do rough it there. Did you know they don't even have wifi?"

This cartoon was in a magazine that focused on summer activities and missions. They were talking about Vacation Bible School, camps, and all-around summer fun.

Some of my earlier memories were when my mom took some kids to church camp in Northern Indiana. The camp seemed rustic even to a kindergartner. It didn’t look much better when I was old enough to go camping.

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Feeling Animated Cartoon

When it comes to expressing our emotions, some of us are reserved while others go out of their way to ensure everyone knows how their feeling. I am in the subdued camp. But I enjoy observing a very expressive person. This led to my feeling animated cartoon.

Feeling animated Cartoon. A girl says, "I am not upset. I'm just more animated than usual."

If I had the time and animation skills, I could see this cartoon as an animated GIF. Maybe the girl’s arm would sway back and forth. Or she would lean into her nemesis. Alas, that is not in my wheelhouse today.

Business Cartoons cartoon

Computer Crashes and Breaks

The one nice thing about computer crashes and breaks is that they give us a chance to catch up and breathe a little.

Cartoon of a man at a desk. He says, "I found a way to take my breaks. My computer is set up to crash every two hours."

Computer crashes have been around as long as computers. We have no problem finding articles and advice on what could be wrong and how to fix it. When we have a persistent crash, it reminds us how much we depend on these machines, doesn’t it?

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Administrative Professionals Day Cartoon

It’s that April holiday I don’t know what to do with. So here is my Administrative Professionals Day cartoon and a tribute to my computer.

Administrative Professionals Day Cartoon. Cartoon of a man talking to a woman about his computer. He says, “It's Administrative Professionals Day. So I got my computer some flowers."

Don’t get me wrong. Administrative professionals have very important jobs in many companies. But to me, technology has blurred who is an administrative professional and who isn’t. I tend to agree with an article at Slate saying the “holiday” is doing more harm than good. The title is quite blunt and says the holiday needs to die.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Dignified Birthday Cartoon

Birthdays can bring out the party animal in adults and kids. A particularly exciting celebration in the past inspired this dignified birthday cartoon.

Dignified birthday cartoon. A boy says, He says to a girl, "Every year, I try to live a dignified birthday. But then the cake comes out..."

When a birthday comes, we try to find new and unique ways to express our good wishes. Here are a few, dignified examples if you came here, searching for the right words for a birthday card. After all, birthdays are great ways to put someone in the spotlight who rarely gets recognition.