cartoon church cartoons

Church Bulletin Deadlines

Pastors and church administrative professionals have to be aware of church bulletin deadlines. They can ruin the day for an unorganized pastor!

One day, my wife came home and discussed the challenges of an associate trying to meet the deadline for the newsletter. This led to the following cartoon.

Church bulletin deadlines cartoon. A woman says,  “If you don’t get me the copy for the bulletin in ten minutes, Sunday morning church will be canceled.”
Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons church cartoons gag cartoon Religion Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Sermons in 3D Cartoon

Some churches are always searching for the latest technology to enhance a worship service. So one day, I thought of this “Sermons in 3D Cartoon.”

Sermons in 3D cartoon. A mom says to a pastor, “He’s listened to all of your sermons since I told him you presented them in 3D.”

Isn’t it amazing what a little creativity and technology can add to a sermon or presentation? Still, I think 3D technology would be a bit distracting. However, it could be effective, and a little convicting when a pastor would reach right out to you.

cartoon holiday webcomic

Mother’s Day Breakfast in Bed Alternative

I don’t consider myself a good cook. Like Charlie Brown, I can basically make popcorn and toast. So I was always searching for a Mother’s Day breakfast in bed alternative.

I think the two boys in this cartoon have a good idea!

Mother's Day Breakfast in bed alternative. A boy is on a phone and says, "Hello, Pizza Palace? For Mother's Day, would you deliver breakfast in bed?"

On the other hand, my son is an outstanding cook. He knows how to prepare a fantastic breakfast. I remember one Mother’s Day when he triumphantly prepared a breakfast fit for a queen. The only problem was that it was also fit for a king and several of their attendants. That was a BIG breakfast!

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Let Your Attitude Shine

Our demeanor can make or break us. It can affect our day goes as well as the people around us. Isn’t it any wonder we equate light with someone who is peaceful or happy? So let your attitude shine!

Let your attitude shine cartoon. A boy says to a girl, "How can I keep my bad attitude with you glowing like that?"

When someone is grumpy or sad, we say they are in a dark mood. But when we are in a good mood, others may say we are bright, or that we lighten up a room. Considering this, who wants to bring darkness and gloom wherever they go?

books cartoon

Bibliophile Cartoon

I love books. And most likely, if a search engine brought you here, you do too. I thought about what it would be like if a book wanted that same love back and came up with this bibliophile cartoon.

Bibliophiles unite cartoon. an animated book says to a person, "Will you love me even if I am not made from recycled materials?"

Some amazing things happen when bibliophiles unite.