I did a sketch of my daughter then scribbled a few cartoons. Making decisions and eating seem to be on my mind. I doubt I would really eat something that was looking back at me.
Category: cartoon
Diving Goldfish
My daughter is at camp this week, so I dashed off a little postcard for her. I never know if mail from home helps or just makes them homesick. I try to make them as silly as possible. For kids, you can’t go wrong with animal humor.
I’m hoping when she’s not in the pool, she is staying dry. We had some rain this morning. The goldfish didn’t seem to mind it, though.
Our church is getting ready to move into a new building this June. My boss is writing an article for our church newsletter. She asked if I could create a cartoon to go with it.
Here are the sketches in my bookAnd here is the final cartoon. Caption reads: “He is counting down the days until we move into the new church.”
Cartoon of puzzled family at Easter egg hunt. Dad says, “Maybe I should have dyed the Easter eggs a different color
As cold as things are in Indiana, I’m wondering if Easter eggs wouldn’t show up if we just stuck to white? I wasn’t this cold as Christmas time. I’ve heard of a three dog night. This is a cat-in-the-lap sort of day. Across the country, this will be the first season of Easter egg hunts that will involve mittens, snowmen and hot chocolate.
Caption reads: “It’s only fair. If boys have to wear ties on Easter, girls have to wear the floppy hats.”
So much of Easter centers around clothes. There’s “Sunday best” and then there’s “Easter’s best.” Floppy hats at Easter are the equivalent to ties. Neither have much of a use except to dress up that already new and flashy outfit.
Word of advice to the guys: don’t take a hat to church, especially if it’s a baseball cap. The ladies get offended when you are upstaging them.