cartoon Religion Cartoons

Easter in Indiana

Cartoon of girl with Easter dress in a snowstorm
Cartoon of a girl in a snowstorm. The caption says, “Macey tries out her Eater dress in the middle of a Midwestern, United States spring.”

Yesterday, it was 77°f here (25°c). A cold front moved through. We have a chance of snow flurries among the cold, gusty winds. Sunday promises to have a high of only 43°f (6°c). I’m going to feel sorry for all the ladies and girls in Easter dresses! Hang on, there! spring is coming, it’s just hidden right now.

cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon School Cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

Post Vacation Stress

Cartoon of a boy and girl
Caption reads: “I’m suffering from PVSD: Post Vacation Stress Disorder.”

Whew! I’m not looking forward to waking the kids this morning. The well-oiled machine will squeaky this morning. It was hard enough getting everyone to bed last night. Our biological clocks think it is still vacation. Oh, Florida! How we miss ye!

It was a great time for the family. Now back to reality!


Honoring Dad

Cartoon of father and son
Cartoon of a father and son. The son says, “You know, Dad, it’s hard to honor my father when he dresses like this.”

What do you know! I found an Internet connection at our vacation get away.

My son is giving me that look. It’s the look that says, “I am much more grown up than you, now.”

I expect that from a teen. After all, I’m trying to stay young and a fifteen-year old is trying to act so grown up. All in all, he’s a great kid and he honors me much more than I deserve. I really am trying to stay away from the red and green, polka-dot pants.


Temptation Island

Caption reads: Three days earlier, Gary asked God to eliminate from his life all temptation.

I need this island whenever I’m near a refrigerator or a bowl of chips and salsa. You can’t eat just one. You can eat the whole bowl before you realize it. Lord, deliver me from temptation… right after I’m done with this ice cream.

cartoon children cartoons work

Chores and Video Games

Caption reads: “That is some video game. Maybe we better do our chores now.”

I used to love video games until my son began beating me. Now, I feel like I need a walker and dentures whenever I try to play a game with him. Maybe that’s what makes me so enthusiastic when I urge him to get of that video game and finish his chores. Sure, I’ll admit it. It’s sour grapes!