communication writing

Is it too cold?

We’ve been in Indiana and Ohio for Thanksgiving the last few days. Coming from Florida, it was a shock to the system when the wind chill recently dropped below 9° Fahrenheit. But is it too cold?

If you go by the headlines, the answer is yes. Of course, they have to add some drama to their spiel.

Snow and Arctic cold will blast the Midwest and Northeast

Is it too cold? man in rainy weather spots a melting snowman.

The guy in my illustration may think the icy rain makes it too cold. But if the snowman could speak, he may disagree. A nine-degree windchill may seem too frigid to a midwesterner, but it may sound like a heat wave in Barrow, Alaska.

Generalities can cloud your communications. Be specific when you describe a situation. Otherwise, your intended receiver may think you are too vague.

Now, excuse me while I find a nice, roaring fire.

communication Just fun

What’s the Point of Laughter?

What is the point of laughter? What’s the point of breaking out into a belly laugh or laughing so hard you struggle to breathe? What is the point of it all?

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter." E. E. Cummings

We feel better when we laugh, don’t we? And why is that the case? Well, if you want to get technical about it, there are plenty of articles touting the release of endorphins and immunity-boosting antibodies, and it even burns calories. And who knew laughter is packed with information?

But is it profitable? Well, that depends. Ask the comedian who has made a handsome living at getting others to laugh. Then again, many class clowns never found a pot of gold. Regardless of profit, I’ve found it’s important to have a sense of humor.

So what is the point of laughter? We could debate it forever. All I know is it makes us feel better and is much better than feeling scared or angry. A day without laughter is a wasted day indeed!

accountability communication

Responsible Communication

It’s never been easier to communicate with the world. What we write can go anywhere with an Internet connection in seconds. Fifty years ago, it would have taken a heavy investment in satellites, negotiations with gatekeepers, and a good dose of determination to get anywhere close to that kind of reach.

Before digital communication, it took so much to get a message out worldwide, that it was carefully edited. Experts would examine each word and phrase to be sure the intention of the message was optimized. Such an expensive message resulted in more responsible communication.

Now, a teenager in Bangladesh can become a worldwide sensation with a quirky video. The communication doesn’t have to be responsible, just viral.

And video is just as cheap and quick to get out as the written word. It would have been the envy of major television stations just a few decades ago.

We can get information out with ease. We can also push disinformation out just as easily. Before we know it, a lie can make it all around the world. A flippant comment can influence far beyond its original intent. That puts a lot of responsibility on us… at least it should!

We live in a time full of communication. Let’s be sure we’re responsible with that power.