
New experiences and the weather

I wrote this last year when I was living in Arizona. As I review this, it’s a rainy, August day in Ohio. Things change quickly!

One of the great things about moving to a new area is seeing the weather through new eyes. Weather is something we all like to complain about.

When I lived in Indiana, I was always looking forward to the next season. Is it too hot? Don’t complain too much because in six months it will be too cold? Is it too wet? Watch out! A drought could be just around the corner. Do you think the weather is perfect? Uh oh! next week it will be totally different. Sorry about that, buddy!


If you create anything, you will have critics

Cartoon of a joyful guy with a bust of a stern looking man. The caption says, "Though Jack excelled at gelatin sculpting, he had his critics."

This cartoon is a nod to “Throwback Thursdays.” I drew it many years ago. It reminds me of when I drew a portrait of my grandmother. She was a sweet soul that worked hard her entire life. She had many wrinkles from working in the sun. I thought they were beautiful and interesting.


Yes, you Are a masterpiece!

Cartoon of a coach pointing at a chalkboard that says, "you are a masterpiece. The coach says, "Lets go over this one more time!This cartoon came to me the other day when my pastor was preaching a sermon on Ephesians 2:10.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Ephesians 2:10 (New Living Translation) from Bible Gateway

To be creative, you need to think of yourself as a masterpiece. In order to feel creative energy, you must see yourself as a beautiful creation. For you are a masterpiece!


When it Comes to Creativity, Never Underestimate a Little Piece of Knowledge

Sketch of a mortar board and the word, "Knowledge!"I like trivia. No, I love trivia! The only problem I have with it is the way people perceive it. They look at trivia as… well, trivial! It’s perceived as useless, throw-away information.

Never underestimate the power of a little piece of knowledge! It has power. It makes creativity happen. It brings innovation to the marketplace. Any piece of knowledge, no matter how seemingly small or trivia can have power.


Can You Stay Stupid?

Sketch of a man with a buffalo hat, Hawaiian shirt and striped pants

Over at Michael Hyatt’s blog, he gave a quote from a book entitled Do the WorkWithin the quote, this statement stuck out to me:

Ignorance and arrogance are the artist and entrepreneur’s indispensable allies. She must be clueless enough to have no idea how difficult her enterprise is going to be—and cocky enough to believe she can pull it off anyway.

I have to admit, I’m not ignorant, or arrogant enough. And I’m willing to bet you aren’t either. If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time gathering information, reading blogs, and pondering what is the best way to tackle a challenge. If you’re like me, you can get bogged down in the minutia of information.

That’s one reason I love working with children. They can help me find my giddy, stupid self. When you’re around kids, do these things to get your daring, stupid self back:

  • Before you tell a child it can’t be done, ask yourself, “Why not?” Is it really that big of a deal? Sure, there are safety concerns you have to watch. Never allow a child to put themselves in danger, but there are so many ideas kids have that aren’t going to harm them or others. Take a chance! Get messy! Have some fun!
  • Allow yourself to be silly. Wear that flamboyant hat. Sing a silly song. Laugh even if you heard that joke when you were seven. It’s still funny!
  • Encourage a child no matter how outlandish their goals me be. Maybe they will be president some day. Perhaps you’re looking at the next astronaut to Mars. Encourage dreams. And dream a little yourself.

Working with kids is a great way to keep your innocent, creative self from thinking small. Encourage their dreams and you may find you can get “stupid” and work on your own.