CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

This may take a while, Pastor!

Cartoon of a man kneeling at an altar. He says to a pastor, "I've had quite a week. So you might as well get comfortable."

Confession is good for the soul. But it occasionally backfires. I’ve been in a situation where I apologized to someone for an offense I was sure I committed so long ago. Then to my surprise, the person didn’t remember it. At least they didn’t until I brought it up again. Either they learned to forgive and forget, or my conscience betrayed me into confessing something no one remembers I did.

However, an altar call and some confession really is good for the soul. Too many people carry a heavy burden of guilt and shame. It is good to get it out there with a compassionate pastor. But if you keep having “one of those weeks,” perhaps it’s time to talk with your pastor about some ways to be led not into temptation!

I drew this for the July 2017, Church of God E-newsletter.


CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Better than Google

Cartoon of a man at an information boothCartoon of a man at a church information booth who says, “You’ve been very helpful… even better than Google!

I feel sorry for reference librarians and the people that mind information booths. There was once a time when those skills depended solely on your knowledge compared to other people. Now they have to compete with search engines. At least the human touch can be much more friendly than the Googled version.

I drew this for the May 2017 Church of God CHOGNews.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Frozen Church Greeter | Cartoon

Cartoon of a man saying to a snowman, "You're doing great, but I don't see you on the greeter volunteer list."

The best volunteers show up in the most unexpected places. I am not saying snowmen make the best greeters. After all, their verbal skills leave a lot to be desired. But they do have two attributes every greeter needs; be present and smile. 

When I came up with this idea, I thought of all the hard working greeters that brave the elements over the winter. They do their best to make a visitor feel welcome. They make us feel warm on the inside even though they are freezing in the doorway. 

Let’s give credit to all the church greeters who brave the winter elements to make everyone feel welcomed.

I drew this cartoon for the “January 2017 Church of God Newsletter.”

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

I Just Love a Pond Baptism!

Cartoon of a guy with a fish attached to his arm. A woman says, "I just love a pond baptism!"

I didn’t have the benefit of a baptism in the great outdoors. Mine was in a church sanctuary. A few weeks ago, I got to witness over two dozen people get baptized outside. I overheard someone commenting about what could be swimming around that pond. Since this was in Ohio, alligators were quickly ruled out.

It was a great day of celebration and no one came up with a fish, frog or crawdad attached to an arm!

I drew this for the August 2016 CHOG News.

CHOG News church cartoons Newsletters

Quality Assured Sermons

Cartoon of a pastor saying, "I must remind you my sermons are recorded for quality assurance."

I wonder how differently I’d act if I knew every word I said was recorded? Would the quality of my words be assured? I’d like to think I would be fine with all the words I’ve said. Yet I know if someone recorded all the words I said yesterday, I would not be proud.