family Illustration Friday sketch journal

Sketch: A Family Reunion

Chamberlain Family Reunion, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Sketch of a photo from the Anderson (Indiana) Herald-Bulletin. The article was about the Chamberlain Family Reunion on Christmas Day. The article is at

The photo had the patriarch of the family holding twins that were his great-great niece and great-great nephew. It was a great choice for Illustration Friday’s theme. This week’s word was “pioneer.” The gentleman had traveled to Anderson, Indiana from the south when he was young to look for work. He found it in the factories and soon his family followed.

The Anderson Herald-Bulletins owns the copyright to the photo I based this sketch on.

children cartoons School Cartoons sketch diary sketch journal

Sketchbook: Curiosity in a Box

Spear_sbook0906_pg99, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Sketch of kids in a classroom. It’s fun how kids are attracted to boxes. It always piques their curiosity. Even if it’s empty, kids will wonder what’s going on, especially when it wasn’t there before.

family sketch journal

Nice day for a reunion

Today was a great day for a reunion. I got to sketch some family members. We were in Ohio State territory so everyone was happy about the football game. Plus the weather was perfect.

It was great being around my wife’s family. Everyone is down to earth, laid back and they genuinely care for each other. They’ve gotten used to me sneaking in a sketch or two of them and they tolerate it quite well.
I drew this in mechanical pencil in my trusty sketchbook.
sketch diary sketch journal

Enjoyed a day at the beach

Enjoyed a day at the beach, originally uploaded by speartoons.

I’ve been on vacation this week. Here is a sketch from the beach. I’ll be back next week for some more blogging.

"365 Days: Drawing Challenge" sketch diary sketch journal

My mind is on vacation

Spear_0904_41, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Yes, I’ll be gone for a few days. I may send a few pix messages of my sketches this way. Otherwise, I’ll see you here next week.