Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Face Painting Training


Cartoon of a girl with paint. She says to a boy, “I want to be a face painter. So far, I’ve mastered polka dots.”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon webcomic

Hot, Bored Dog

Cartoon of a boy and a bored dog

Cartoon of boy and dog. The dog sighs in boredom. The boy says, “Well you know what? You’re not exactly entertaining either!”

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon Sport Cartoons webcomic

Wear your Salary Cap

Cartoon of two boys playing basketball

Cartoon of two boys playing basketball. One says, “You can’t beat me! Not when I’m wearing my salary cap!”

Adobe Illustrator cartoon children cartoons gag cartoon love Parenting Cartoons relationship cartoons single panel cartoon webcomic

No Tasing, Please

Cartoon of a boy outside a girl’s house. the girl says, “I probably shouldn’t let you come in. My dad has a taser.”

Adobe Illustrator Business Cartoons cartoon city cartoons gag cartoon single panel cartoon technology cartoons webcomic

Too Smart for a Smartphone

Cartoon of a business man and homeless man

Cartoon of a business man who meets a homeless man. The homeless man holds a sign that says, “No smartphone. Please Help!”