Welcome to the wonderful world of contactless tithing! There are things we used to take for granted that has now been complicated by the coronavirus. It has also generated some new phrases like…
- social distancing
- flatten the curve
- contactless giving (also known in churches as contactless tithing)
We are all looking for various ways to avoid spreading the coronavirus. One advantage of the Internet is we can do various tasks without the need to be in contact with anyone. It even makes it possible to tithe without darkening the door of the church building.
Hi-tech Giving
Hi-tech giving in the church has been around for at least five years. I drew a cartoon about five years ago about the awkwardness of giving online when the ushers pass around the offering plate. How can you say, “I already gave,” without being obnoxious? Well, why not have a t-shirt proclaiming your actions?
Of course, with any new technology, some find a way to misuse or abuse it like this cartoon shows:
Strange New World
Just like other businesses and organizations, churches are learning to adapt to new ways of operating. I have to admit, it is very strange to visit a church now and not have an offering plate being sent down each pew.
But I suppose it is just as weird to see the enforced distancing at churches as well as sporting and community events. It’s also an adjustment to see people worshipping with masks on. It’s become that much easier to sing along without knowing the words. Humming while participating has never been so much more attainable!
On the plus side, electronic giving has now come into the mainstream. It has been around for several years, but now it is a lifeline to churches that have congregants watching from home. A paper airplane may have a limited range for contactless tithing, but texting to give, by app, or through a web site are now great ways to keep participating while we wait for this season to pass.
This cartoon was published in the October 2020 CHOGNewsletter.