Christmas holiday

The Light is Coming

Happy Christmas Eve! The light is coming tonight!

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.

Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon Quotes.” BrainyMedia Inc, 2021. 24 December 2021.

I took this photo several Christmas Eves ago. It was a snowy night and I noticed how our lamp shone in the darkness so brightly. It was a beacon to all who were coming to our house that evening. Without the lamp, it would have been easy to slip and trip.

Photo of a lamp on a snowy Christmas Eve
Christmas Eve, 2010 in Indiana

In the background, a neighbor has his Christmas lights going. Many of us love to put up Christmas lights. Of course, that can get some of us in trouble! But we are willing to take the risk in order to bring a little brilliance to the darkness.

Last night, I was wrapping things up at work and left around 6:00 PM. I was surprised when I left because it was so dark outside. It felt like it was the middle of the night. I was thankful for the parking lot lights. I rarely think about them any other time. Most times, I am gone before they light up. But I was thankful for them that evening.

Unfortunately, we don’t think much about illumination until we need it. Then we can be caught off guard. We grab our flashlight only to discover the batteries are dead. We can’t find the candles we stashed away, nor a lighter. Then we think of our cell phone light only to remember you needed to charge it. Light is something we take for granted until we are stumbling around in the dark, seeking it.

So this Christmas Eve, let’s remember that the light is coming. May it light our ways and remember there is hope, joy, and peace for those who seek it.

By Kevin Spear

I am a content creator and storyteller based in Florida, where I work for OneHope. I love digital and content marketing, writing, and the occasional doodle.