I am a firstborn, like my wife. We both grew up believing the world had a set of rules that were meant to be followed. Our poor siblings and kids probably got quite tired at hearing the “rules lecture.” It makes it that much more amazing we’ve both been in creativity careers and children’s ministry.
When I drew this cartoon, I thought of all the creative ways kids demonstrate how to bend the rules. They have taught me you can obey the letter of the law, but not the spirit. Is it any wonder one rule can become a dozen variants in no time!
There are certain rules that need to be obeyed for safety, fairness and justice. Then there are unwritten rules we need to reconsider each day. Are there unwritten rules about our culture that are keeping us from thinking creatively? Is there an unwritten rule in our business that no one really knows why we do it that way, we just do?
At any rate, please be kind to the chairs. They get enough abuse as it is.