YouTube was well on its way when I wrote and drew this cartoon in 2009. We have done so much more with social media since then. According to a site, 300 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube every minute. That’s a lot of cat videos!
Should every moment be shared? It no doubt affects the behavior of people if they are performing for social media. It may be tempting to do something outrageous if the goal is to get as many views and likes that you can.
Discretion is a word that isn’t used much when it comes to social media. It is something that comes with maturity and is easy to forget in the heat of the moment. But it is something we all need to keep in mind. It takes wisdom to do this. Wisdom comes from experience and experience comes from making mistakes. Unfortunately, it can be very embarrassing and life-changing if you make your mistakes on social media for all to see.
Before you get ready to post that video, before you post your opinion or respond to that obnoxious post with an equally obnoxious response, consider discretion. Use your better judgement. Let’s keep ourselves from wishing we could take that comment or video back.
Social media is a powerful tool. Let’s use it wisely.