It was great to see nonprofits and volunteers help ease the pain through the coronavirus pandemic. It’s safe to say most people don’t volunteer for the money like our guy in today’s cartoon. But do you volunteer for the right reasons? And does the motivation matter?
Some volunteer projects can be gross. Others have nice perks like donuts. There are projects that put a spotlight on the volunteers while others faithfully serve in the background. As this article shows, Our motivations to volunteer can be quite varied. Do these factors matter?
As long as something good is coming out of volunteering, motives may take a back seat. However, we know of stories where someone appeared to be doing something for altruistic motives and they ended up embezzling or taking advantage of someone or a group of people.

Unfortunately, bad apples can show up under the guise of helping others. Here are some ways to know you are volunteering with the right motives.
- Are you volunteering or donating because you genuinely want to help or do you feel you have been guilted into it?
- Is your volunteer work something you are naturally gifted at or love to do?
- Do you feel you wish this activity wouldn’t end or are you watching the clock and hoping it will be over soon?
It is possible this volunteer opportunity is the right thing to do, but your heart isn’t in it. If so, consider if you should be doing something else that meshes more with your skillset. You also may need to consider if this is the right activity, but you need to adjust your heart, your motivation, and your attitude.
That’s okay. Keep doing good. But do you volunteer for the right reasons? Consider how your motivation will help you volunteer with excellence.
Editor’s Note: I originally published this blog on October 6, 2015. I revamped and updated it for timeliness and comprehensiveness.