Could it be that tomorrow is the day you will succeed? Could it be that the only thing keeping you from success is your temptation to give up?
I ran my first marathon in 2016. I was tempted to give up in the middle of my training because my shoes gave me heel blisters. I was also tempted to quit during the race on the twenty-first mile when my hamstrings gave out.
Each time, I was determined to keep going. It was only because I had faith I could finish the race. In spite of the obstacles, I reached the finished line.
Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
Thomas Edison
I like Edison’s quote with one exception. People are not failures. People take actions that either succeed or fail. But as long as an individual keeps going, she cannot be considered a failure.
I don’t know what you are going through today, but I encourage you to have faith to keep going. You may be surprised and grateful to find your success is just around the corner.