gag cartoon

Cartoon: Welcome bag

Cartoon of a man wishing he had gotten a welcome bag

Cartoon of a grumpy man talking to a woman with a welcome bag. He says, “I’ve been here sixty-four years, but I’ve never got a welcome bag.

We get so wrapped up in ourselves. Sometimes, instead of considering how to make someone new feel welcome, we think back to how we were treated when we were the new kid. If you never were the new kid, That can make it harder to get the newcomer goodies, can’t it?

If an organization is to grow, we need continue thinking about others than ourselves. Here are some ways you can do that:

  • Go to a similar church or organization for a visit. See how they treat visitors. The nice thing about this exercise is you can learn tips whether they are a good example or not. Learn what it’s like to be a visitor.
  • Get the members of a church or organization to realize the growth of something they value depends on how welcomed a newcomer feels.
  • Carefully evaluate whether your organization is too welcoming or not welcoming enough. There is a fine line and it can depend on the personality of the newcomer. Some people want to be welcomed enthusiastically. Others want to be anonymous until they can come to you on their terms. Consider where that middle road is that make the most people feel welcomed.

I drew this for the March, 2013 Church of God e-newsletter.


Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

A leprechaun wishes you a happy Saint Patrick's Day

Today is Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s nice this year we have this holiday right before Palm Sunday and Easter. Patrick is a good example of someone changed by what happened on Easter.

I’d like to think the leprechauns are celebrating all three holidays too. Perhaps they will be on the front pew all three Sundays. The pot o’ gold may be near the pulpit.

“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:21

children's ministry

Green punch leads to strange visions

Three boys with green dye on their lips

The other night we had green punch at our church for a Saint Patrick’s Day celebration. The kids were drinking it as if it was going out of style. And you know what happened, don’t you? That’s right… green lips! It led to a condition we all know as “leprechaun lips.”

Some kids started grinning from ear-to-ear, and then show their big, green tongues. Other kids decided to give their best duck faces. The kids were having a blast, but the older group didn’t know what to make of it. The senior citizens that witnessed the mess looked on with  bemused, puzzled glances.

I love this about kids. Something as simple as green punch becomes a fun activity. Meanwhile, anyone older than twelve in the group wouldn’t dream of showing their newly created, odd appearance. It wouldn’t be proper, right?

What makes you inhibited? Are you afraid of acting like a fool? Are you more concerned with how you will look to people instead of having a little fun? Let it go! Have some fun with the kids today. Don’t worry about how other adults will perceive you. They are secretly wishing they could have some fun anyway!

children cartoons

Postponed for Lack of Interest?

Boy asking why can't school be postponed?
Cartoon of a boy asking, “Why don’t they ever call off school for lack of interest?”

I’ve been there, haven’t you? You may even like work or school, but sometimes, mornings sap the motivation right out of you! How dow you get motivated when everything within you says, “Can’t we just call it a day?”


Puzzle of Motivation by Daniel Pink

I just saw this video on motivation in the Twenty-first century. Daniel Pink makes a case that motivation with carrots and sticks only works if you are doing repetitive tasks with no creative problem solving involved. Instead, if you want an employee to be engaged and motivated to do creative problem solving, these factors are better motivators:

  • Autonomy
  • Mastery
  • Purpose

When I watched this, it brought reminded me why I thought the cliché of a starving artist is so much a part of society.