technology cartoons

Cartoon: Hacking Pet

Cartoon of a boy scolding a dog on a computer

Cartoon of a boy scolding his talented dog. The caption reads, “Skippy! Bad dog! There is no hacking in this house!”

I’ve come to the conclusion a dog’s main talent is hacking. My dog is a good hacker. She isn’t a computer hacker, but she is a very vocal hacker nonetheless.

When I heard Illustration Friday’s word was “talent, I thought of my talented dog.


Can You Stay Stupid?

Sketch of a man with a buffalo hat, Hawaiian shirt and striped pants

Over at Michael Hyatt’s blog, he gave a quote from a book entitled Do the Work. Within the quote, this statement stuck out to me:

Ignorance and arrogance are the artist and entrepreneur’s indispensable allies. She must be clueless enough to have no idea how difficult her enterprise is going to be—and cocky enough to believe she can pull it off anyway.

I have to admit, I’m not ignorant, or arrogant enough. And I’m willing to bet you aren’t either. If you’re like me, you spend a lot of time gathering information, reading blogs, and pondering what is the best way to tackle a challenge. If you’re like me, you can get bogged down in the minutia of information.

That’s one reason I love working with children. They can help me find my giddy, stupid self. When you’re around kids, do these things to get your daring, stupid self back:

  • Before you tell a child it can’t be done, ask yourself, “Why not?” Is it really that big of a deal? Sure, there are safety concerns you have to watch. Never allow a child to put themselves in danger, but there are so many ideas kids have that aren’t going to harm them or others. Take a chance! Get messy! Have some fun!
  • Allow yourself to be silly. Wear that flamboyant hat. Sing a silly song. Laugh even if you heard that joke when you were seven. It’s still funny!
  • Encourage a child no matter how outlandish their goals me be. Maybe they will be president some day. Perhaps you’re looking at the next astronaut to Mars. Encourage dreams. And dream a little yourself.

Working with kids is a great way to keep your innocent, creative self from thinking small. Encourage their dreams and you may find you can get “stupid” and work on your own.

children cartoons

Cartoon: Stuck-up Snowman

Cartoon of two girls and a snowman

Cartoon of two girls walking away from a snowman. One says, “I can’t believe he’s giving me the cold shoulder!”

Those snowmen can be stuck-up, or can they? Maybe they’re a little introverted. Come on, girls! Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s imagining a day on the beach, or perhaps he’s trying to figure out how to survive spring. At any rate, you won’t realize how much you miss him until he’s gone in March.



Cartoon: Bring your papers

Cartoon of dog in airport. Guard says, “I’m sorry, sir! But even if you are a mongrel, I must see your papers.”

This is a classic cartoon I did back in 1996 for the sixth edition of the “New Rider’s Internet Yellow Pages.”
Security is much more advanced (hopefully) since I penned this cartoon. At least the equipment looks more like something out of Star Trek. I wish they worked like the transporter instead of just beeping angrily at me when I leave my cell phone on my person!

New Rider’s Publishing and me own the copyright to this image. Please do not use without permission.

children cartoons

Cartoon: The Puddle

Cartoon of two children staring at a snowman

Cartoon of of two children staring at a snowman. One says, “One month, you’re king of the mountain. The next month, you’re a puddle.”

Winter is quickly fading away around here. All the snow people have met a disastrous end thanks to some warm temps and little reinforcing snow. Seasons remind us that change is around the corner no matter how young or old you are.

It also reminds us there are cycles in life. If you don’t like the way things are going, wait and they’ll change. On the other hand, if you’re king of the mountain, don’t get too comfortable up there. Things are bound to change sooner or later!