
Stop and Live a Little

Cartoon of a boy and a grandfather. The boy says, "It's a beautiful world, Grandpa. You should try living in it."

Last night, I saw the most beautiful sunset. The sky was ablaze with yellows, oranges and reds. As I was driving along, I thought of all the other cars speeding by. I wondered how many commuters noticed the sunset that was so clear before them.

Life has a way of grinding us down, doesn’t it? I don’t know what you’ve been through. It may be stuff I couldn’t comprehend. But I do know this. There is so much beauty that is going on all around us. Sometimes, it is so obvious, yet the cares of this world keep us from seeing it.

That’s why I love working with kids. They see the world with innocent, awe-filled eyes. If you work around them a while, they’ll point out how beautiful the world is. Kids remind us there is an amazing world to be discovered, whether it is in nature, or the urban landscape.

Life may have thrown you some hard problem. But take the time to see the world that is around you. There is always something to be grateful for. Live it up!


Change Happens

Cartoon of a boy and his grandfather. The boy says, "If you don't like change, Grandpa, why didn't you stay a kid?"

Change happens! It happens whether we want it or not, doesn’t it? If you don’t believe me, work with children for a few years. Sooner or later, they grow out of your class. Take a look at a photo of you several years ago. Yes, we change! Some of us lose hair, some of us gain it, Children grow and get stronger while adults age and wonder why things aren’t the way they used to be.

Change happens whether we want it or not. The question isn’t if it will happen. The question is how will you deal with it? Will you refuse to admit change is happening and live in denial? Will you refuse to accept it and become bitter? Or will you acknowledge change it always happening and learn how to deal with the new normal?

A few months back, I revisited the book, “Who Moved My Cheese?” I got a lot out of it ten years ago. Of course, now, I could get it on the Kindle, iBooks, or any other e-reader. What a testament to change!

Whether you’re in publishing, the classroom or another business, change is happening. How are you going to deal with it?

animal cartoons

Birds of a Feather

Amazingly enough, Karl, Ken and Kevin always came up with the same ideas.


I’ve been working on getting an MBA. You may ask, “You? An illustrator and designer?” Yes. One day I woke up and realized if I was going to be successful in business, I should know a little more about it.

In my organizational behavior class, we’ve been talking about groupthink. It brought to me reminders of George Orwell and “1984.” Groupthink is when people within a business legitimizes their decisions because everyone wants to get along and think the same way. A company thinks their decisions are fool-proof, only to realize later they were actually foolish.

I thought of a flock of birds all chirping in harmony. Sure, it sounds pretty, but once in a while, shouldn’t one of the birds pipe up and say, “Wait a minute! Is this the best tune for this occasion?”

Creativity can suffer under groupthink. We’re all victims of it. It’s hard to see a book without paper pages. It can be difficult for a business used to printing paper books to try electronic publishing. Publishers can cringe whenever an author embraces self-publishing and questions the old model’s legitimacy. Yet, technology marches on and is challenging groupthink in some rough ways.

What are some ways you escape groupthink? How can you challenge the status quo today?

Coloring Page

Pilgrim Kids Coloring Page

Pilgrim Kids Coloring Page

Coloring page of two Pilgrim Kids. This page is for the Thanksgiving holiday in the United States and is available for personal, church and school use.

I’m open to suggestions. Let me know what coloring pages you would like to see, and I may be able to post it for you.

Parenting Cartoons

Having a Heat Wave

Illustration of a girl and dad in Hawaiian garb.

When my daughter was seven, she found out her mom was serving shish kabobs for dinner. When she discovered this, she immediately searched for some beach party costumes we had stored and prodded me to celebrate. Since we were having shish kabobs, it was naturally a time for a luau, right?

Kids are great for parents because they teach grown ups to lighten up a little. When life gets tough, look for reasons to celebrate. Even if you can’t find something, observe your kids, they can teach us to lighten up and enjoy the world around us!