Illustration Friday

Accusing Mirror

Illustration of a girl accusing her reflection in the mirror

This week’s word for Illustration Friday is “mirror.” I didn’t think of my usual cartoon with a caption this week. Instead, I thought of teens who go through self image problems. It isn’t limited to girls. At one time or another, we all have a crises with our image, don’t we? We all wonder if we’re smart enough, good enough, and doggone it… do people really like us?

When we get older, we realize everyone else, including the high school cheerleader, the jock and the brain feel the same way. We all have feet of clay. Part of growing up is realizing everyone is concerned with themselves. We all want to look good.

So relax! We all experience insecurity. Once you realize that, you’ll feel more secure.

Illustration Friday

Crooked Heart

Cartoon of a crook in a doctor's office

Cartoon of a crook in a doctor’s office. The caption says, “You have to help me, Doc. I need a transplant for my crooked heart.

I drew this for Illustration Friday. When I heard this week’s word, “crooked,” I thought of Proverbs 11:20. How does one change a crooked heart? With a transplant, of course!

I drew this in Adobe Ideas and Adobe Illustrator.

Here is what the sketch looked like in Adobe Ideas:

children cartoons

Kid PR

Cartoon of a girl and a boy in a corner. The girl says, "Looks like to me you have yourself a public relations problem

Cartoon of a girl and a boy in a corner. The girl says, “Looks like to me you have yourself a public relations problem.”

Don’t you just love how businesses and politicians react to their blunders? Typically, instead of admitting their errors, they will put some public relations spin on it. Come to think of it, we learn how to spin a situation quite early in life, don’t we?

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator.

Illustration Friday

Water Balloon Burst

Illustration of a boy about to be hit with a water balloon.

Illustration of a boy about to be hit with a water balloon. I began this in Adobe Ideas, then finished it in Adobe Illustrator

I drew this for Illustration Friday. This week’s word is “burst.”

Adobe Ideas

Featured on an Adobe Blog

I was honored to be featured on the Adobe Creative Cloud blog the other day. You can find my interview here:

I talked about using Adobe Ideas with Adobe Illustrator. I have enjoyed using Adobe Ideas to get a little more loose with my drawings. I use it on an iPad and I can sketch with it no matter where I am. It also has a natural feel for me. It’s become a natural for me now that I’m using Adobe Creative Cloud.

Enjoy the blog post!